Osborne Bridge Cycling Design Problem? You decide. Open House Tomorrow

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Anders Swanson

Dec 15, 2010, 9:37:53 PM12/15/10
to River Heights-Corydon-Osborne, Downtown Winnipeg Cycling, West Central Commuter Cyclists

Here is the latest update on the bridge design: 

Look carefully at the images. Remember how there were two options . . . one with a super-wide dedicated path (Option 2) , and the other with bike lanes (Option 1)??
After surveys, the bike lanes option was favoured, mainly because people expressed concerns about conflicts with pedestrians. Note: Option 2 still proposed shy lanes (or narrow bike lanes). 

Well, turns out they can't actually do Option 1. Unfortunately, it looks like they have since determined that they don't have room to put the bike lane all the way to Roslyn. Instead, the southbound bike lane will end mid-block before Shell and, northbound, start after the Roslyn Apartments building's parking lot. That leaves this whole project half a block short of providing a safe connection for cyclists.  Now, despite a mutli-million dollar project, and a supposed dedicateion to A.T. we will end up with a bike lane that simply ends right before a busy intersection, with no dedicated path. I'll survive the ride, but there are a lot of people who, as a result, will either a. not do it, or b. (ironically, considering people's original reason for choosing option 1) ride on the sidewalk. 

In my mind, that's a big problem. 

But, what do you think?

There is an "Information Open House" tomorrow: 

An Information Open House is being held to provide details of the preferred project plan as selected through the collaborative planning and public consultation process.

Holy Rosary Church
510 River Avenue
Thursday, December 16, 2010
4 pm – 8 pm


P.S. Some folks might wonder what's at stake, or how it could be different, so I''ve attached a map of an alternate routing using that is, practical, and that would get alot more people cycling. 

Andrew Holtmann

Dec 15, 2010, 10:27:09 PM12/15/10
to River Heights-Corydon-Osborne
Thanks for the information.  I'll be sure to be at the open house to add support for a bike lane.

Andrew Holtmann, MBA | James Richardson & Sons, Limited
Research Associate
3000 - One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0Y1
Tel: 204.953.7950 | Fax: 204.942.6339

>>> Anders Swanson <anders...@gmail.com> 12/15/2010 3:37 PM >>>
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