[Bike to the Future] Early July News

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Bike to the Future

Jul 10, 2010, 4:11:49 PM7/10/10
to Bike to the Future announcements
Hello Bike to the Future members and supporters. This newsletter contains the following items:
1. Minutes from our June Monthly Meeting
2. Our next Monthly Meeting is on Tuesday July 13th at the Sport for Life Centre
3. Sherbrook Street Bike Lane
4. Winnipeg's Cycling Hall of Shame
5. Commuter Cycling Trends in Winnipeg, 2007-2010 (bicycle counts)
6. Wanted: volunteers to help out at various summer events
7. BttF membership
Kevin Miller
Bike to the Future, Co-Chair
Minutes from our June Monthly Meeting
The June Monthly Meeting minutes have been posted at http://biketothefuture.org/about/meetings.
Our next Monthly Meeting is on Tuesday July 13th at the Sport for Life Centre, 145 Pacific Ave at Rorie St
Bike to the Future meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30. Anyone is welcome to attend.
A tentative agenda for the June Monthly Meeting has been posted at http://biketothefuture.org/events/archives/2010/06/23/july-monthly-meeting.

Sherbrook Street Bike Lane

One more hurtle ...

The Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works meeting on Tuesday July 13th at 10:30 AM will be reviewing the motion to remove the stretch of Sherbrook Street between Ellice Ave and Cumberland Ave from the city’s Active Transportation Network. (Agenda item #10). Although the City Centre Community Committee defeated this motion, it is important that the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works also shows support for the active transportation on Sherbrook.

Please show your support for the bike lane on Sherbrook by emailing the City Clerk with your comments, or by registering to speak at the meeting.

Winnipeg's Cycling Hall of Shame

Winnipeg roads are hard on cyclists. The Hall of Shame contains a photo and a short description of the worst examples of roads and other infrastructure from a cycling perspective.


Commuter Cycling Trends in Winnipeg, 2007-2010
(bicycle counts)

Since 2007, volunteers from Bike to the Future have been counting cyclists at key locations in Winnipeg during morning and afternoon rush hours. The counts take place during the first week of April, May, and June.

Jeremy Hull (BttF's research guru) has used this data to produce a report entitled Commuter Cycling Trends in Winnipeg, 2007-2010.

Bike to the Future thanks Jeremy and all the volunteers who have counted cyclists.

Wanted: volunteers to help out at various summer events

Bike to the Future does outreach, sells memberships, and promotes itself at various appropriate summer events. If you are interested in helping out, please contact us at con...@biketothefuture.org.

BttF membership

Members of Bike to the Future agree with our mission and vision and support it. We are a volunteer-run, incorporated, non-profit organization that is only as strong as our membership. Please show your support for our work by becoming a member or renewing your membership.

Get Involved

Our website at biketothefuture.org is updated often.

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