Unable to install rhdfs

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Anil Bhargava

May 21, 2015, 3:53:35 AM5/21/15
to rha...@googlegroups.com
Unable to install rhdfs, rhbase, rmr2.

rJava is installed.

Please provide help.

Antonio Piccolboni

May 22, 2015, 12:52:06 PM5/22/15
to rha...@googlegroups.com, wizard...@gmail.com
Please follow the instructions. If there are specific problems, please detail  your setup (versions of everything involved) and what the problem is.

Anil Bhargava

Jun 3, 2015, 11:53:21 PM6/3/15
to rha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Antonio, Thanks for responding

I am using Cloudera Hadoop Linux Quickstart Cloudera 2.6.32 - 358.e16.x86_64 Hadoop Version through VM.

I also using R Studio Version 0.99.441. Both these applications on Windows 7 Enterprise.

My ask is to integrate R and Hadoop so that I can use the Big Data to work using R Programming.

Am I using the correct softwares ? I see there is some version of R by Revolution Analytics. I do not plan to work on Linux OS but on Windows ONLY. Could you help please.


Antonio Piccolboni

Jun 4, 2015, 12:24:16 AM6/4/15
to rha...@googlegroups.com
Only rmr2 has a windows version. For rhbase and rhdfs, unfortunately, you are out of luck.

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Anil Bhargava

Jun 4, 2015, 11:51:18 PM6/4/15
to rha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Antonio

Is there any way to actually write programs in R programming while accessing Hadoop Cluster Node on Windows OS as I am unaware of Linux.

On Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 1:23:35 PM UTC+5:30, Anil Bhargava wrote:

Antonio Piccolboni

Jun 5, 2015, 1:36:29 PM6/5/15
to rha...@googlegroups.com
Linux is an operating system and has been around about 20 years, maybe it's time to become at least aware of it. HDP 2 for windows and rmr2 work together, at least we run the same battery of tests we don on unix and they passed. Same for rhdfs, and I apologize if I am reversing myself on this one, but we have an rhdfs for windows. For rhbase windows users are out of luck. ravro also is unix only as well. Any recent R will do, standard R from r-project.org, RRO and RRE. Your choice. But you have to follow instructions step by step and report here exactly what you did and exactly what happened. The generic "it's broken! Game over! Help!" cry is guaranteed to get you no help, and not because people are difficult, it's because it's impossible.

Anil Bhargava

Aug 31, 2015, 4:24:13 AM8/31/15
to RHadoop, ant...@piccolboni.info
I will prepare a small video may be or couple of slides and will get back.

manoj jacob

Jan 4, 2016, 5:05:52 PM1/4/16
to RHadoop
Hi Anil - I have the same question. Please advise if you were able to resolve installing rhdfs, rhbase & rmr2 on a windows machine (Windows 10 / with rStudio)


On Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 12:53:35 AM UTC-7, Anil Bhargava wrote:
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