Hi, I'm trying to perform a transformation of one big tall and skinny matrix, into a block diagonal matrix, but to do so, I need to keep order of the pieces that mapper takes. For example:
If I have a matrix
Where Ai are the different parts of the matrix that different mapper takes, I want to perform a multiplication with another matrix, but this matrix has to be transformed into a block diagonal, like this:
A1 0 0 0
0 A2 0 0
0 0 A3 0
0 0 0 A4
Since the data within matrix A is non sorted, so the block cant be identified with the information within itself.
Using normal Hadoop I would use the offset of the data that comes within the key in TextInputFormat. But I think that in RHadoop the key in mappers comes as null instead offset. Am I correct? How you will solve this?
Sorry for my English and I hope I explain myself properly.