after running ./ it gives the following errors.
I have PCL and OpeCV 3.0 pre-installed on my machine.
-- Found libusb-1.0:
-- - Includes: /usr/include
-- - Libraries: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Operating system is Linux
-- Got System Processor x86_64
-- Linux x86_64 Detected
-- libfreenect will be installed to /usr/local
-- Headers will be installed to /usr/local/include/libfreenect
-- Libraries will be installed to /usr/local/lib
-- Standard libraries to link to explicitly: none
-- Configured Eigen 2.94.0
-- Some things you can do now:
-- --------------+--------------------------------------------------------------
-- Command | Description
-- --------------+--------------------------------------------------------------
-- make install | Install to /usr/local. To change that:
-- | cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=yourpath
-- | Eigen headers will then be installed to:
-- | /usr/local/include/eigen3
-- | To install Eigen headers to a separate location, do:
-- | cmake . -DEIGEN_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR=yourpath
-- make doc | Generate the API documentation, requires Doxygen & LaTeX
-- make check | Build and run the unit-tests. Read this page:
-- | make blas | Build BLAS library (not the same thing as Eigen)
-- --------------+--------------------------------------------------------------
OpenCV > 2.2 found, enable advanced features.
OpenCV > 2.3.0 found, enable flann fix features.
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
-- system
-- filesystem
-- thread
-- date_time
-- iostreams
-- serialization
-- chrono
** WARNING ** io features related to pcap will be disabled
** WARNING ** io features related to png will be disabled
-- looking for PCL_COMMON
-- looking for PCL_KDTREE
-- looking for PCL_OCTREE
-- looking for PCL_SEARCH
-- looking for PCL_SURFACE
-- looking for PCL_IO
-- looking for PCL_FILTERS
-- looking for PCL_FEATURES
-- looking for PCL_GEOMETRY
-- looking for PCL_KEYPOINTS
-- looking for PCL_REGISTRATION
-- looking for PCL_SEGMENTATION
-- looking for PCL_RECOGNITION
-- looking for PCL_VISUALIZATION
-- looking for PCL_PEOPLE
-- looking for PCL_OUTOFCORE
-- looking for PCL_TRACKING
-- looking for PCL_APPS
-- Boost version: 1.54.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
-- date_time
-- filesystem
-- system
-- thread
-- FLANN found (include: /usr/include, lib: optimized;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libflann_cpp_s.a;debug;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libflann_cpp_s.a)
-- checking for module 'cminpack'
-- package 'cminpack' not found
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:108 (message):
Could NOT find CMinpack (missing: CMINPACK_LIBRARY)Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:315 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
nestk/cmake/FindCMinpack.cmake:53 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
nestk/cmake/find_nestk_deps.cmake:114 (FIND_PACKAGE)
build/nestk/UseEmbeddedNestk.cmake:23 (INCLUDE)
nestk/CMakeLists.txt:67 (INCLUDE)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/sincos/RGBDemo-0.6.1-Source/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/sincos/RGBDemo-0.6.1-Source/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
Program configured in directory build.
Now go into build/ and run make.