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DFS Tester on WiFiMetrix

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Raheel Iqbal

Mar 20, 2023, 9:27:58 PM3/20/23
to RF Explorer

I recently bought a WiFiMetrix device from UK since it wasn't available in the US.

The problem i have is that its running a firmware version of 1.05 which is the latest for non DFS wifimetrix, I understand that ETSI radars testing is not supported on current version of WiFiMetrix but I would love to have US FCC Radar testing.

I have not been able to find a firmware v3.08 , which supports DFS testing.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction please?


Raheel Iqbal

Nuts About Nets

Mar 20, 2023, 10:40:25 PM3/20/23
to RF Explorer
Hello Raheel,

This is not a firmware issue -- rather, it is a hardware issue.  DFS testing and radar simulation require a 6G radio, amplifier and filters -- components that were added for version 2 of the product and which required a redesign of the motherboard.  You have a version 1 device and firmware (i.e. software) can not replicate the missing components.

Nuts About Nets

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