Hi Eduardo,
in general I just need the start/end frequency and a description for a certain band e.g.:
88.000 MHz - 108.000 MHz "UKW Radio Stations"
And then there are 3 different categories:
Country bands
These are general frequency ranges, not necessarily related to wireless microphones. I've divided them in licensed/unlicensed and other bands. E.g. for Germany I have listed unlicensed bands here like ISM, DECT, WiFi and also the up-/downlink LTE gaps etc. For licensed bands I've listed the bands which someone has to pay for when using a wireless microphone there.
These are bands which must not be used at all in a certain country.
TV channel grids
These are the old (mostly not used anymore) analog 6 - 7 MHz TV channel frequency patterns. Obviously many people are still using them to refer to a certain frequency range.
in fact you can provide any informat