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Will RF Explorer applications run on a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet?

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Gary Mulholland

Oct 1, 2023, 6:50:59 AM10/1/23
to RF Explorer
Hi all.
New to the group and I've just bought an RF Explorer 6G Combo Plus.  I'm a touring musician with a lot of wireless equipment, hence the need for the RFE.

Does anyone know if a Microsoft Surface 3 (it's a Windows tablet, not a laptop) will run the various RF Explorer apps, and possibly Clear Waves?  I'm a Mac guy with no use for a Windows machine in general except for use with my RFE, and I also need the smallest, lightest solution possible....hence why I'm looking at a used Microsoft Surface Go 3.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


RF Explorer

Oct 1, 2023, 7:08:53 AM10/1/23
to RF Explorer
Hi Gary,

RF Explorer can work with certain versions of Microsoft Surface. Unfortunately, the Surface 3 is a GO model with a limited Windows in S mode, which is very restrictive and does not allow the installation of normal applications or drivers.

You can use a Microsoft Surface Pro, or you can opt for any other Windows tablet with unrestricted Windows. For instance, CHUWI provides reliable, low-cost Windows tablets that work well with RF Explorer and cost a fraction of a Microsoft Surface tablet.

Additionally, you may want to consider using the new RF Explorer Pro, recently introduced to the market, which is a tablet itself and does not require any extra device. It is the most compact and cost-effective solution:

This new model also includes software options for Frequency Coordination, which are usually essential for musicians with wireless audio devices.

RF Explorer Team

Gary Mulholland

Oct 1, 2023, 9:20:54 AM10/1/23
to RF Explorer
Hi guys
Thanks so much for this info! As I'm not a Windows guy, I had no idea the Surface Go version of Windows is unsuitable.  I really appreciate the heads-up with this.

Re. the RF Explorer Pro, it's wayyyy too expensive, especially here in Australia....unfortunately. It's somewhere around AU$1800+ !


Gary Mulholland

Oct 1, 2023, 10:07:05 PM10/1/23
Hi guys
I've just been reading up about Windows S mode and it's dead simple to switch from S mode to regular Windows Home or Pro.

Does this mean that I CAN use a Surface Go after all?


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Marco Congedo

Oct 2, 2023, 12:53:53 AM10/2/23
to RF Explorer
Hello, can you tell more about the zero span mode of the new Pro model?

RF Explorer

Oct 2, 2023, 3:53:12 AM10/2/23
to RF Explorer
The Zero span mode is very powerful and have continuous and trigger modes. Please check the user manual online for more details:

RF Explorer Team
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