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RF Explorer for Pro Audio

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nick brumme

Jul 14, 2023, 4:31:07 AM7/14/23
to RF Explorer
Hi, I don't see this question mentioned in this group—I see that the RF Explorer for Pro Audio (from RF Venue) has been discontinued.

Which alternative would be best, and why?

Also, does anybody know if the pro audio version will ever be made again?

RF Explorer

Jul 14, 2023, 4:33:01 AM7/14/23
to RF Explorer

The Pro Audio was discontinued due to chip shortage issues, the best current alternative is the RF Explorer ISM COMBO PLUS or, better, the RF Explorer 6G COMBO PLUS if you want full range for all potential usages.

In addition to that, a new specific higher performance model will be released in a few weeks, so you may want to wait for the announcement.

RF Explorer Team

nick brumme

Jul 14, 2023, 12:41:23 PM7/14/23
Thank you very much! Not sure how much you can say about the new model before it’s announced, but I’ll ask this anyway:

Does it have a 50Ω BNC connector for the antenna, and does it have a USB-C connector instead of micro USB?

Also, can you say if the price will be closer to the ISM COMBO PLUS or the 6G COMBO PLUS?



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RF Explorer

Jul 24, 2023, 8:33:26 AM7/24/23
to RF Explorer
We cannot say much about the new model yet, as official announcement will be available in a few weeks.

It does have SMA connector, and price is higher than 6G COMBO PLUS.

RF Explorer Team


Aug 8, 2023, 3:14:11 PM8/8/23
to RF Explorer
I would hope for a wider sweep range so I can monitor 2.4-7Ghz, that would be major for me. I have the wideband license but need moreeee haha

Looking forward to the announcement!

RF Explorer

Oct 1, 2023, 7:11:20 AM10/1/23
to RF Explorer
The new RF Explorer model is already available for purchase. An official announcement will come up next week, we are just awaiting all distributors to receive the first stock, but is already available here:

This new model also includes software options for Frequency Coordination, which are usually essential for Pro Audio with wireless audio devices.

RF Explorer Team


Oct 1, 2023, 4:33:40 PM10/1/23
to RF Explorer
Heh, I already ordered it from Seeed a couple days ago 😅 features look amazing. Very excited. 

One thing that wasnt clear from the online documentation, will this unit also work with third party software plugged into computer? Like rational waves, etc.

Thank you!

RF Explorer

Oct 2, 2023, 7:59:18 AM10/2/23
to RF Explorer
Great, let us know when you get your Pro, it is a remarkable instrument.

You cannot plugin to a computer using USB, as the RF Explorer Pro is a computer on itself. Instead, you can connect it to a network using a USB-Ethernet dongle and, from your computer, remote in using VNC so you can easily control it from your computer either locally or remotely.

RF Explorer Team
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