Git Integration and looking for good comprehensive resource

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Otto Kopp

Apr 6, 2023, 7:07:55 AM4/6/23
to rez-config
Hello friendly people,

I have the opportunity to setup a rez based workflow at new studio - and having worked with rez in the past but never having the opportunity to build it from the ground up, I am currently looking for a good source to get this going in a vfx pipeline without falling into common pitfalls and maybe even a guide for best-practices.

The official documentation doesn't really cut it for me, as there seem to be very basic information missing.

My biggest question mark currently is the integration with git. I want the rez-release command to enforce a git merge (and version up) to our central repository but I can't find where to configure the target git repository and also the behaviour and restrictions on rez-release.

Apr 6, 2023, 10:42:04 AM4/6/23
to rez-config

Currently the local build process (rezplugin/build_process/ checks that the local repository is in a clean state before doing the release. If this is not the case, the release is not possible and stops...
If you want to have a different behavior you have to write your own plugin; the "plugin_path" variable in the file allows you to specify a path to place your own plugins.
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