getting "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 400 233 " when stating docker with docker-compose

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Sadanand Hullur

28.06.2023, 17:39:3128.06.23
an Review Board Community
I am getting the following and 400 Bad request Errror on the page when I start my reviewboard with docker-compose up following the instructions provided revewboard site to install reviewboard with docker.

"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0" 400 233 "

What could be wrong? I have set the value of -m in docker-compose to 4096.


Christian Hammond

02.07.2023, 16:39:5102.07.23
Hi Sadanand,

Are other parts of the site working?

I'd expect a HTTP 404 for the /favicon.ico (we don't ship ours there — this is just the browser looking for it), but a HTTP 400 (and a HTTP/1.0 request) is unexpected. Do you know what browser's being used for this request?


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Christian Hammond
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Sadanand Hullur

10.07.2023, 14:46:5810.07.23
an Review Board Community
  sorry for th elate reply. was on Vacation.
I went past that error and now I have  the following error in the logs of reviewboard that says :

 Upgrading the Review Board site directory

Rebuilding directory structure ... OK

[!] Review Board cannot update your database. There is a discrepancy between the
    state of your database and what Review Board expects.

    This could be caused by manual changes to your database schema, corruption,
    an incomplete upgrade, or missing database upgrade history (stored in the
    django_project_version, django_evolution, and django_migrations tables).

    This may require manual repair. Please check our support options at and provide the file "/site/logs/site-
    upgrade-failure.log" when speaking to support.


The reviewboard container exits and top part of the site-upgrade-failure.log contains the foilowing. Can't understand how to solve this issue.

Database upgrade failure log
Time: 2023-07-10 18:34:05.881736 UTC


!! Failed to fetch connection params: '<' not supported between instances of 'type' and 'type'

Evolver Diff

The application rbpowerpack has been deleted
The application sshdb has been deleted
In model attachments.FileAttachment:
    Field 'extra_data' has been deleted


Any help would be appreciated.

Christian Hammond

11.07.2023, 18:59:0911.07.23

Is this a new install of Review Board, or are you upgrading from an older database? If an upgrade, what version are you upgrading from?

Can you privately send me the log file listed in that error?

Depending on the nature of the situation and the issue, it may be something we'd have to fix in a new version, or it may be something requiring a database repair.


Sadanand Hullur

11.07.2023, 19:33:3311.07.23
an Review Board Community
   This is a new install using docker-compose.that installs the nginx:alpine, memcached, mysql 8 and reviewboard latest. I did try with 5.0.5 version of review board too.

I followed the instructions and used the files from here for my mysql database.

will send the log file privately.
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