gitlab and self-signed certificate

瀏覽次數:17 次


2024年3月28日 下午2:44:213月28日
收件者:Review Board Community
Hey! I have Reviewboard running in a docker using docker compose and we have self hosted Gitlab with self-signed certificate.
When I try to add repository using "GitLab" as a hosting service I get the following [1] error.

If I use None (custom repository) and git then after clicking safe I get a pop-up where I can select to trust the certificate - so that approach works well it seems.

I can get around the issue by manually adding certificate to the docker image (I know that the update/recreate will ruin this.) Or use the none (custom repository) approach.

Is this a bug/wip or is there some better/permanent way to solve this?

Thank you for your time

Could not determine the GitLab API version for https://<our_gitlab> due to an unexpected error (The SSL certificate for this repository (hostname "<our_gitlab>", fingerprint "<fingerprint>") was not verified and might not be safe. This certificate needs to be verified before the repository can be accessed.). Check to make sure the URL can be resolved from this server and that any SSL certificates are valid and trusted.
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