Comments in diff viewer are not visible after collapsing

瀏覽次數:3 次

2020年6月3日 中午12:16:002020/6/3
收件者:Review Board Development
Hi all RB devs.

I am using RB 1.7.26 and encountered strange problem after long searching through the internet i found:
But i would love to see the changes the fragment of code that did the trick. Could anyone help me?

Best regards,

2020年6月4日 清晨5:42:222020/6/4
收件者:Review Board Development
Another thing i've noticed is that button Collapse changes works properly and comments (published or not) are still visible after expanding again. On the other hand dynamic collapse button which appears while only a section of code is expanded and button Collapse lines which is visible per file at the top right corner makes any comments disappear. I've noticed that the Collapse changes button do the page refresh cause i am scroll up to the top of the view, same as while refreshing page (refreshing a page also restores all comments) so probably that is the case. Any solution? I've attached the buttons i've mentioned.

Best regards, 

Christian Hammond

2020年6月7日 下午5:44:132020/6/7
Hi Adrian,

1.7.x is just so old that I couldn’t even point you in the right direction here. That code’s been heavily rewritten since that release, and I don’t think any kind of backport would be trivial at this stage. There was likely a lot of pieces involved to address that issue.

We really just don’t support 1.7.x in any form anymore. Best suggestion is to try to move into a modern release. I know that’s not always easy, particularly if there’s anything custom about your setup, but it’s the only way to get support and fixes going forward.

We can work closely with you on a migration plan and offer guidance on porting any in-house changes, along with assistance for issues that come up after, through a support contract, if you want to discuss it.



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