New release: Review Board 6.0.1

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Christian Hammond

Nov 7, 2023, 2:59:29 AM11/7/23
Hi everyone,

We just released Review Board 6.0.1, which contains fixes for:

  • Publishing reviews and replies
  • Allowing administrators to see and edit another user's drafts
  • Publishing drafts of any kind of subdirectory installs and Local Site

Plus some other fixes throughout the product.

See the announcement and release notes for details.

We also released rbintegrations 3.1.1, which fixes issues with configuring Asana and Trello. This is not included automatically as part of the upgrade, but both Review Board 5 and 6 users can manually upgrade the rbintegrations package to install these fixes:

    sudo pip3 install -U rbintegrations

Thanks to everyone who's worked with us to help diagnose these publishing issues. They didn't affect everybody, and were tough initially to narrow down, so your help was very much appreciated!


Christian Hammond
President/CEO of Beanbag
Makers of Review Board
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