Reversim Summit 2017 voting begins today. Vote now.

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Ran Tavory

Jul 21, 2017, 12:24:44 AM7/21/17
to Reversim Summit 2017 Team, Reversim Summit,
TLDR: You are invited to cast your vote now for your favorite sessions at

Today July 21 the voting for Reversim Summit 2017 sessions begins. 
Voting starts July 21 and ends July 31 (10 days). 


What is the purpose of the vote?
The vote button reads WILL ATTEND and so is the purpose of it - to indicate that you are personally interested in attending this session. Please note - it’s not registration. By clicking WILL ATTEND you are not yet registered to the conference. Think of it as I want to attend”. It helps in the selection of the sessions (but by no means is the only signal for that)

Who can vote? 
Anyone can vote. But you should vote only if you plan to attend the conference. 
Simply login and vote. Invite your friends and coworkers. 
But keep in mind that the purpose of the vote is WILL ATTEND so vote only if you intend to come to the conference and of course are interested in this specific session 

To how many sessions can I vote? 
As many as you wish. You may vote for just one or all of them
Typically most people vote for a few dozen sessions.

Can I undo my vote? 
Yes. Until the 31 you may vote and unvote freely. Simply click the WILL ATTEND button once more. 
Visit to list the sessions you voted for. 

I am interested only in a specific topic. Can I view only this topic? 
Yes, sessions have tags and you may simply filter by those tags in order to view only what you care about. 

Are votes public? 
No. Votes are confidential. Your votes are visible only to you. The moderator’s team will have access to aggregate information (which will also remain confidential) and site admin have access to raw data.

When will selected sessions and agenda be announced? 
Around early-mid Sep.

When will registration open? 
Mid Sep

When is the conference? 
Oct 15-16. 

Where can I get more updates? 

And/or occasionally visit the site

I’m a submitter. What do I do now? 
If you’re a submitter then you should have received another email with more details about what’s coming next. 

Thank you and happy voting. You have until July 31. Hope to see you at the conference, RS17 team. 

Ran Tavory

Jul 30, 2017, 2:20:33 AM7/30/17
to, Reversim Summit, Reversim Summit 2017 Team
Hi all, reminder: you have until tomorrow to vote.  
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