Sargon chess on Z80ALL

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ladislau szilagyi

Jun 13, 2023, 6:17:59 AM6/13/23
to retro-comp
Hi all,

It includes a real-time clock to display the elapsed time since the start of the game.

Some pictures attached...



ladislau szilagyi

Jun 13, 2023, 8:46:29 AM6/13/23
to retro-comp
... polishing-it, by delimiting the chess board clearly (see picture)



Kurt Pieper

Jun 13, 2023, 12:11:05 PM6/13/23
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Hi Ladislau,

well done.
I know version 2.1.

The program works on a SC126.

I was able to win in 36 moves at level 3..


ladislau szilagyi

Jun 13, 2023, 2:10:26 PM6/13/23
to retro-comp
Hi Kurt,

this Sargon v 2.1 running on your SC126, is made for Z180, or can work also on Z80? Does it need VT100 compatible screen?

At level 3, those 36 moves, I think they took a lot of hours...


Kurt Pieper

Jun 13, 2023, 3:41:06 PM6/13/23
to retro-comp
Hi Hi Ladislau,

no, it didn't take that long.
I think 1-2 hours
Will test it again.

Bill Shen

Jun 13, 2023, 10:49:37 PM6/13/23
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Great job!  I played a round at level 2.  It was very responsive and beat me (I have not played chess for decades).  I got used to the line artifacts in the chess pieces quickly.  I thought about a modified CPLD video design to eliminate the line artifacts, but I don't think that's necessary after all.  

Does the original Sargon displayed the chess pieces on screen?  In your adaptation the chess pieces are shown on the VGA monitor but the serial console just show the moves in text like this:
  player sargon
  ====== ======
01 d2-d4 d7-d5
02 b1-c3 b8-c6
03 c1-f4 c8-f5
04 f2-f3 g8-f6
05 g2-g4 f5-e6

Kurt Pieper

Jun 14, 2023, 4:10:49 AM6/14/23
to retro-comp

Hello folks and chess players,

for me chess is a wonderful game.
I have been playing chess (hobby) for over 50 years.

This is what the screen looks like on the SC126 with minicom (Linux).
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-06-14 09-51-43.png

ladislau szilagyi

Jun 14, 2023, 6:18:06 AM6/14/23
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I added displaying the time consumed for a move (player or computer) and updated the files on github.

It offers a more exact log of the chess match...

(see attached picture)

@Kurt:  do you have the source code of the Sargon v2.1 that you are using on your SC126? Thanks!



Kurt Pieper

Jun 14, 2023, 7:02:19 AM6/14/23
to retro-comp
Hi Ladislau,

the first version had one peculiarity.
There is an LED chain on the SC126 from S.Cousins.
1.LED goes on after I make my entry and switches
after return from the program again.

I just tested the new version.
However, the internal clock of the SC126 is not activated.

I must also write that I use the S.Cousins ROM.
I have yet to test Wayne's RomWBD-master.

Should the clock be running? Let's see.


ladislau szilagyi

Jun 14, 2023, 7:29:35 AM6/14/23
to retro-comp
Hi all,

for those of you who want to play chess on any RC2014 + VT100 terminal, you may find-it here: 

My version ( ) was designed and works ONLY on Bill Shen's Z80ALL.

The advantage of playing chess on Z80ALL is given by the Z80 speed (25 MHz), the real-time clock and the versatile VGA interface.


Phil G

Jun 14, 2023, 7:40:21 AM6/14/23
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Has anyone heard from John Squires lately?  I know he's had back problems, and over the last couple of years he's been less & less involved with the Z80 Playground project,   his web page and forum have now disappeared and he's not answering emails.  John is a really nice bloke, I do hope he's ok. The Z80 Playground remains my favourite of all my CP/M systems - its FAT BDOS is so convenient  :-)

Nick Tate

Jun 19, 2023, 2:48:19 AM6/19/23
to retro-comp
Hi all,

Iv'e been playing Sargon78 on my SC126 and today I beat the computer :-)


Kurt Pieper

Jun 19, 2023, 4:45:57 AM6/19/23
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I do not believe that.
Sargon78 never ever plays C5-G5
when there is a threat of mate on the E-file?
After B1-E1 threatens mate?
H7-H6 or G8-F8 are recommended.

Or does Sargon play so weak in level 0?

Nick Tate

Jun 19, 2023, 12:45:07 PM6/19/23
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I played this on level 1. Here are the moves I made and the computer made.

Player Sargon
01 e2-e3 e7-e5
02 d2-d3 b8-c6
03 b1-c3 d8-f6
04 d1-f3 f8-b4
05 c1-d2 g8-e7
06 g1-e2 0-0
07 d3-d4 e5-d4
08 e3-d4 c6-d4
09 e2-d4 f6-d4
10 f1-e2 b4-c3
11 d2-c3 d4-d5
12 f3-d5 e7-d5
13 c3-d2 f8-e8
14 e1-g1 e8-e2
15 d2-g5 e2-c2
16 a1-d1 d5-b4
17 a2-a3 b4-c6
18 d1-b1 c2-c5
19 b1-e1 c5-g5
20 e1-e8

I played a new game using my same moves and won the game. So I tried it one more time but the computer made a different move mid way through the game and I was unable to use my original moves and lost this game in the end.

Kurt Pieper

Jun 19, 2023, 1:24:49 PM6/19/23
to retro-comp
Yes it's right.
In level 1 the program does not play any better.
I tried it.


ladislau szilagyi

Jun 23, 2023, 12:14:02 PM6/23/23
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I published here: an updated version of Sargon78.

It is now possible to save to (or load from) a disk file a chess match position. Up to 10 saved matches can be stored.

This Sargon78 version can be used on all the Z80/Z180/Z280 CP/M computers using a VT100 compatible terminal.

I tested-it using the TeraTerm terminal.


ladislau szilagyi

Jun 26, 2023, 7:21:47 AM6/26/23
to retro-comp
A final touch, for the Z80ALL version...

When saving a position, the actual match time is saved to the disk file.
When loading a position, the real-time clock displayed on the screen will be initialized with the saved match time.
This means that I will have on the screen the cumulated match time, always.
Also, at the match end, this cumulated match time will be listed.
Therefore, after a match I will have the full listing of moves, timings of moves, and total match time.


Bill Shen

Jun 26, 2023, 2:51:56 PM6/26/23
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I want to take this opportunity to thank you for making new software and improving existing tools to CP/M environment.  In particular I am really happy about the new as well as improved software for Z80all.  While I believe Z80all is a fast, economical standalone Z80 computer, it is not very useful without a full suite of tools plus fun software which you are rapidly bring online and share with the community.  Thank you,

Nicolae Muntean

Jul 2, 2024, 2:57:57 PM (3 days ago) Jul 2
to retro-comp
Both z80all and Sargon were highly appreciated at in Romania, where we presented the combination to Federico Faggin, who was very impressed by them...
This was Mr. Faggin's reaction when he received the technical explanation about the Z80ALL
faggin 1.jpg

Bill Shen

Jul 2, 2024, 11:47:24 PM (3 days ago) Jul 2
to retro-comp
Sargon plays very well on Z80ALL.  I'm a poor chess player and was quite unhappy how quickly I was beaten by a mere Z80! Thanks for showing Z80ALL and Sargon to Federico Faggin; it is a honor.  He is a legend!
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