Cross posted your project to comp.lang.forth

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Sep 19, 2018, 11:25:55 AM9/19/18
to retro-B5500
Found your great project while researching on stack machine and influence on Algol architecture.

I cross posted your site to comp.lang.forth -- perhaps the true successor of B5500, champion of stack machine:

Do come over -- get active -- it is quite active over here. Perhaps the last bastion of the old Internet.

My own LinkedIn, with posts about reverse polish notation programming since about a year ago:

Downloaded and ran your website code -- fantastic, excellent job. Well done.

Paul Kimpel

Sep 19, 2018, 11:32:32 AM9/19/18
to retro-B5500
Thanks for your message and for cross-posting the project to comp.lang.forth.

I should point out that to most B5500 adherents, the true successor is the B6500/6700, modern versions of which are still being sold by Unisys (successor to Burroughs) and used but their customers. The architecture is still stack- and descriptor-based, and Algol is still an important language for it.
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