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Problems after installation, infinite loop, Windows/XAMPP

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J. Oe

Aug 2, 2021, 12:39:57 AM8/2/21
to Restya

Good day,l
I installed Restyaboard on a server running Windows server 2016 with XAMPP/Apache as server sorftware. Apache is running virtual hosts, on e of them is Restyaboard.
I installed PostgreSQL, then Restya. I followed the instruction form the video installation guide.

When I try to run Restya (URL is just rboard.intranet) I got redirected to http://rboard.intranet/#/users/login
The progress bar of Mozilla Firefox is running to the end, then starts again.

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Aug 2, 2021, 12:43:58 AM8/2/21
to Restya
Please send us the video link, you have followed to configure the Restyaboard on XAMPP/Apache server.

Please set R_DEBUG as true on the file in line 15 on /usr/share/nginx/html/restyaboard/server/php path like and copy the response of http://<Restyaboard_URL>/api/v1/oauth.json on the Network tab of Browser developer tools and paste it here.

J. Oe

Aug 3, 2021, 4:06:43 AM8/3/21
to Restya

I'll do the other thing later, when I got the time...

J. Oe

Aug 3, 2021, 4:07:07 AM8/3/21
to Restya
I set debug to true. I used the URL <.../oauth.json>. Browser response was " SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data "


Restya schrieb am Montag, 2. August 2021 um 06:43:58 UTC+2:


Aug 4, 2021, 2:56:47 AM8/4/21
to Restya
On Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 1:37:07 PM UTC+5:30 wrote:
I set debug to true. I used the URL <.../oauth.json>. Browser response was " SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data "


While loading your Restyaboard URL in the browser,  copy the response of http://restyaboard_url/api/v1/oauth.json on the Network tab of Browser developer tools like the attched image and paste it here or copy the contents from your server error log and paste it here.


J. Oe

Aug 4, 2021, 3:09:54 AM8/4/21
to Restya
Got it.

The login box doesn't appear, the loading progess bar (actually a line in Firefox) indicates infinit looping.



Aug 5, 2021, 3:53:03 AM8/5/21
to Restya
On Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 12:39:54 PM UTC+5:30 wrote:
Got it.

The login box doesn't appear, the loading progess bar (actually a line in Firefox) indicates infinit looping.

Restyaboard supports multi language support and while trying to load the language files, the error seems be occuring,
Please apply write permission to following directories: media, tmp/cache, server/php/shell/*.sh & client/img;  and please reload the Restyaboard URL to see the changes

J. Oe

Aug 6, 2021, 4:06:31 AM8/6/21
to Restya
Didn't change anything.

After examining the code a bit, I believe that the error lies in bootstrap.php. The variable $r_resource_filters is assigned to $_GET in line 41. The result of this operation is obviously a string, according to the error message. When in line  112 r_get is called, an error is thrown because r_get expects $r_resource_filters to be an array, but it is a string.

I have no idea what the content of $r_resource_filters is nor what it is meant to be.


Aug 9, 2021, 2:08:04 AM8/9/21
to Restya
We have checked about the error and the Language files  are not loading and 
Please tell us the language files are in the folder "C:\xampp\htdocs\rboard\client\locales"

J. Oe

Aug 9, 2021, 5:18:11 AM8/9/21
to Restya
In "C:\xampp\htdocs\rboard\client\locales" are a lot of directories, named "ar", "de", "en_BG" or "en_US", to name a few. What one would expect. Within the "de" directory is a file called "translation.json" with a lot of translations into German.

Write access to all directories and files is set to "any" and "<localhost>\users"

J. Oe

Aug 16, 2021, 5:18:13 AM8/16/21
to Restya
Any more ideas?
I'd really like to use restyaboard in a fairly small environment for evaluation purposes.
If it comes out as usefull we'll propably expand the use in a larger scale.

So it's critical to get the installation to work.

J. Oe

Aug 19, 2021, 5:48:26 AM8/19/21
to Restya
So, can't you help, or do you not want to?

If we gonna pay for software, we'll give our money to a company with functional support.


Aug 19, 2021, 5:49:37 AM8/19/21
to Restya
Can you please try to restart the XAMPP server and tell us if the Restyaboard URL is loading correctly?

J. Oe

Aug 19, 2021, 8:19:39 AM8/19/21
to Restya
I tried that already. Tried it once again. No change.


Aug 19, 2021, 10:38:38 AM8/19/21
to Restya
Can you please tell us if the language file is accessible using the Restyaboard link https://restyaboard/locales/cs_CZ/translation.json

J. Oe

Aug 23, 2021, 12:36:41 AM8/23/21
to Restya
No problem with this json file. Except that it's http:// instead of https://


Aug 23, 2021, 1:51:04 AM8/23/21
to Restya
We have added the debugging code to check the root cause of the issue, please download the attached file and paste it in the folder path "C:\xampp\htdocs\server\php\R" and rename the file to "r.php" from "r.txt".

Please load the Restyaboard URL in the browser,  copy the response of http://restyaboard_url/api/v1/oauth.json on the Network tab of Browser developer tools like the attched image and paste it here or copy the contents from your server error log and paste it here.

J. Oe

Aug 23, 2021, 4:53:11 AM8/23/21
to Restya
Did what you said and got this:



Aug 25, 2021, 1:48:04 AM8/25/21
to Restya
We have checked and it seems your Restyaboard version v0.6.9 (Stereopony) and please update your Restyaboard to the latest version v1.7 (Scorpions)  and please tell us if the Restyaboard login page loading correctly?

For updating the Restyaboard to the latest version, please follow the below instructions

  1. Download script from, and choose the latest version. e.g.,
  2. Extract the zip into your apache server root folder. e.g., C:\xampp\htdocs\
  3. Execute the Restyaboard update SQL C:\xampp\htdocs\sql\upgrade-0.6.9-1.7.sql in your Restyaboard database

J. Oe

Aug 25, 2021, 7:03:28 AM8/25/21
to Restya
Updated Restya to 1.7.
When I run the update SQL script I got a lot of error messages. See attached file.

Behavior of the login page is still the same.

Hans Persson

Aug 26, 2021, 10:48:38 AM8/26/21
to Restya
I had a working installation of restyaboard 0.6.9 which I just upgraded to 1.7, and now I have exactly the same problem as described in the OP here, although I had no errors during the upgrade. Please help!


Aug 27, 2021, 1:22:34 AM8/27/21
to Restya
We have checked about the error log attached and it seems, the Postgresql execution command is wrong, please refer the below command for executing the SQL file

psql -h localhost -d {{YOUR POSTGRES DATABASE Name}} -U {{YOUR POSTGRES DATABASE USER}} -W < 'C:\xampp\htdocs\rboard\sql\upgrade-0.6.9-1.7.sql’


Aug 27, 2021, 1:26:42 AM8/27/21
to Restya
Can you please set R_DEBUG as true on the file in line 15 on '/usr/share/nginx/html/restyaboard/server/php' path like and copy the response of http://restyaboard_url/api/v1/oauth.json on the Network tab of Browser developer tools and paste it here or copy the contents from your server error log and paste it here.

Restya Support

Hans Persson

Aug 31, 2021, 10:06:55 AM8/31/21
to Restya
"PHP Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /srv/html/server/php/libs/core.php on line 3440"


Aug 31, 2021, 11:06:01 AM8/31/21
to Restya

Can you please tell us if you are using the Restyaboard latest version build files from the link, if not, please download the Restyaboard latest version v1.7 (scorpians) build files from the link and unzip the file in your Restyaboard folder path and please tell us if the issue occurred ?

Restya Support

J. Oe

Sep 3, 2021, 9:13:25 AM9/3/21
to Restya
I'm on vacance for yet another week. I will look into it again when I return.

Thanks so far


Sep 3, 2021, 9:37:42 AM9/3/21
to Restya

J. Oe

Sep 16, 2021, 1:23:36 AM9/16/21
to Restya
I fired the psql command as you described. Am I supposed to see any output? The prompt comes back immediately without any output.

J. Oe

Sep 16, 2021, 1:23:36 AM9/16/21
to Restya
The login script is still looping, but now the error is "Database is not connected"

Guess the database is screwed now. Yuck!

Restya schrieb am Freitag, 3. September 2021 um 15:37:42 UTC+2:

J. Oe

Sep 20, 2021, 1:17:31 AM9/20/21
to Restya
I reinstalled postgresql.

When I fired psql -h localhost -d restyaboard -U {{YOUR POSTGRES DATABASE USER}} -W < 'restyaboard_with_empty_data.sql’ (in a working syntax), I got some error messages.
At the beginning it looked fine, but then...

I followed the installation instructions from here:

If this is ok at this stage, let me know and I'll proceed with the installation


Sep 20, 2021, 1:23:48 AM9/20/21
to Restya
You can proceed with the instructions from the link

please update the Restyaboard database user credentials in the line 58 of the file /srv/html/server/php/ like

J. Oe

Sep 27, 2021, 12:35:34 AM9/27/21
to Restya
Since the community support couldn't help, I switched to a new Linux server. Installation worked here.

The installation guide for XAMPP/Windows is crooked.

My conclusion: th community support is worth what you pay for.

J. Oe

Sep 27, 2021, 2:46:46 AM9/27/21
to Restya
The instructions are crooked. Following the instructions (which is not possible an some points due to wrong syntax) resulted in the same error again.
Because the Restya community support wasn't able to help, I stopped trying.

I set up a Linux VM and used the "installation script" method to install restyaboard. This is working. At the cost of another VM eating up the resources of my VMware server. I really liked to use the already installed XAMPP for the restyaboard, but without any substantial help from the community support I was unable to fix the errors.

The Linux/Nginx-based version works like a charm.

Dear community support, go and get the Windows/XAMPP installation guide fixed.



Sep 27, 2021, 2:49:29 AM9/27/21
to Restya
We have already tested the Restyaboard installation in windows XAMPP server and It worked

No other users have raised an issue for the Restyaboard installation in the windows XAMPP server

J. Oe

Oct 4, 2021, 12:29:44 AM10/4/21
to Restya
It's propably the XAMPP virtual host environment that causes trouble.

But then again, for example, this command [  psql -U {{YOUR POSTGRES DATABASE USER}} -c 'create database restyaboard’  ] throws a warning message from psql like "unnecessary parameter restyaboard ignored" and it doesn't create the database.

Take my complaint just as a trigger to verify the installation instructions.

Anyway, I'm having a working instance of Restyaboard and find this app just great. I'm only ranting about a few more grey hairs I gained during the installation process :)
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