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Imap Logs

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Joao Silva

May 18, 2020, 11:49:34 PM5/18/20
to Restya
Hi All.

I did a search in the group for IMAP issues and I found something from the "old days" :)

I am running v 0.6.8 (2019-12-16) on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.

I installed with the available script and all went ok.

My questions are:

where can I check logs to see if the IMAP server is being queried? (using Gmail so I cannot exactly check for requests server-side)
the only script on the shell folder in the application is I guess the does no longer exist?

I am assuming the issues in on my PHP conf (imap.enable_insecure_rsh => Off => Off). Knowing where to look in the logs would be amazing :)

Apologies if this is a rookie and less smart question

Cheers all,

Joao Silva

May 19, 2020, 6:13:17 AM5/19/20
to Restya
Hi, Again.

I still would find nice to have some insights on the logging. 

However, I concluded that this was an issue more with the Gmail account than with Restya. Another instance with a different account (Gmail being used as well) is working.

Not related to security settings at all (Gmail side)

I was trying to find this yesterday to reply and say it is resolved in a sense but I could only see it published today.

Cheers everyone!


May 20, 2020, 1:39:02 AM5/20/20
to Restya

On Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 3:43:17 PM UTC+5:30, Joao Silva wrote:
Hi, Again.

I still would find nice to have some insights on the logging. 

However, I concluded that this was an issue more with the Gmail account than with Restya. Another instance with a different account (Gmail being used as well) is working.

Not related to security settings at all (Gmail side)

I was trying to find this yesterday to reply and say it is resolved in a sense but I could only see it published today.

For checking the logs on the IMAP to read the board IMAP emails and create card, please refer Nginx error log file named "error.log" file in the folder path "/var/log/nginx".

Restya Support
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