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htaccess issues after Apache2 migration

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Curious Legends

Apr 9, 2021, 7:35:47 AM4/9/21
to Restya
Hi folks, I am having an issue accessing a migrated install from an Archlinux server to Debian server. Archlinux was a manual install, while Debian has been via the script. I am using Apache2 on both servers.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Backup all files and database from Archlinux install (seems to have worked fine, can restore fully on Archlinux)
  2. Install Restyaboard via script in Debian (works fine, can access new install).
  3. Setup database and user from Archlinux install in Restyaboard (also worked fine - no errors on database import)
  4. Replace /var/www/html/restyaboard folder with files from Archlinux install, making certain the database is connected.
  5. Reload Apache2
  6. Visit url
Am told that: "You don't have permission to access this resource.Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe"

Have no idea why this isn't working - the .htaccess file is the same as the fresh install, which was working perfectly. I would appreciate any advice.

I ended up purchasing 2 paid hours from support, which was monumentally useless. The outcome was basically "there's an issue with the clients .htaccess file."  Appreciate anyone else's thoughts. 

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