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Restyaboard Scorpions (v1.7) - with the new pricing model, apps, enhancements, and 2.5x speed

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Aug 2, 2021, 3:30:00 AM8/2/21
to Restya

We have released v1.7. This version comes with a new set of apps, enhancements, and issue fixes (more than 50). Here's a quick video walkthrough


Please check our cloud offering and new enterprise pricing


* SAML / Shibboleth (Please follow the link to get started
* Card Aging (Please follow the link to get started


* Restricted board level role to view only assigned cards
* Managing the cards fields display permission for the board user roles
* Change board background images with custom images from Unsplash
* Option to show only open items of checklists on the card page
* Option to set card cover image in full height of the card with the card name
* Mention all members in the card, Mention all members in the board options in the card comment, checklist item
* Import board options from
* Push notification in Android mobile app
* Documentation to explain user roles, board roles, and organization roles
* IMAP documentation improved for Gmail/G Suite based IMAP email

Important fixes:

* Due to inactivity, a blank page shown
* While drag and drop cards from one list to another list, the auto-scroll applied to the bottom
* After editing the comment, close and reopen the modal card, the edited comment is not updated
* While adding, deleting the cards, the card counts are not updated
* If we add the new board member, old activity is also sent in the email notification
* While adding a reply to the comment, and closing the card and reopening, the reply are shown as a new comment
* While the user creates the board and add member and add list, another user in the board's page get error
* SSL certificates are not obtained while trying to get the certificates for the domain using the installation script
* After enabling the BoardsBar app, while clicking the boards, the starred boards are not showing in the footer
* While minimizing the modal card and maximize continuously, the modal card header is only shown in the maximized view
* While accessing the Restyaboard on mobile, not able to delete the checklist item in the card
* When the permission "View organizations listing" is disabled, facing login issue
* While adding the YouTube links as card attachments, the attachment preview not shown
* While editing the comment, the comment is not correctly aligned


Using our easy install script, you should be able to upgrade in no time.

** Anyway, take a database backup before proceeding. **

Once upgraded, users using Restyaboard will be prompted to refresh. If for any reason, it doesn't happen (that's unlikely), please clear the browser cache. Few heavy users may need to clear localStorage to get the correct UI.

The Friendly changelog is at

Some important links:

* Forum/Restya Google Group

Restya Team
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