I have reported this via the issue queue on GitHub but thought I'd
post a query here just in case this is an issue that's been seen
In evaluating resources_controller I created an new rails 2.3.2
project, scaffolded a controller for a projects object (just text
fields, no relationships), ripped out the scaffolded action methods
from the ProjectsController and added the magic words
"resources_controller_for :projects"; deleted the actions then ran the
scaffolded functional tests.
The result is one failure on the destroy method:
1) Failure:
Expected response to be a redirect to <
http://test.host/projects> but
was a redirect to <
\projects_controller_test.rb:50:in `test_should_destroy_project'
The redirect URL appears to have the name of the object class
(probably the output of project_controller_instance.to_s) appended for
no good reason that I can fathom. Maybe it's an issue with Rails 2.3.2
(I note that resources_controller has been tested for 2.0, 2.1 and
"edge", but it's not clear which edge!).
Any ideas would be appreciated, else it's back to scaffolded
controllers for me!
Chris Jobling
Swansea University