Getting Layout error when trying to generate pdf

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venu gopal

May 29, 2024, 2:34:28 PMMay 29
to reportlab-users
Getting below error when trying to generate pdf having large cell content

reportlab.platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError: Flowable <Table@0x7FC1933F0B50 1 rows x 5 cols(tallest row 3558)> with cell(0,0) containing
'<Paragraph at 0x7fc1933f1780>Oral Glucose Tolerance Test'(595.2755905511812 x 3558), tallest cell 3558.0 points,  too large on page 2 in frame 'normal'(439.27559055118115 x 685.8897637795277*) of template 'Later'.

Tried using splitInRow=1 attribute when generating Table, but not working. Is there way i cn
generate pdf without any errors for large contents in cell.
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