have cells that are too tall to fit on one page to still be rendered to PDF. I'm unsure on the best way to submit it, it seems this group doesn't support attachments.
So the diff is simply pasted at the end of the description. If you want it any other way, just say the word!
current page. The remaining rows will be printed on the second page. If the
same manner until the end of the table.
and the rendering to PDF will fail. This will also happen if the splitting is
too large for a single page.
then a page into two rows, enabling the printing of tables with very tall rows.
It does this by adding a new attribute, splitInRow, which also defaults to 1.
the appropriate point.
which defaults to 0. The split() method of the table will now do the following:
* If both .splitByRow and .splitInRow is 0, it will return [], ie fail.
a split by whole rows. But if .splitByRow is 0 is will call it with
* If that fails, it will fall back to doing the opposite.
* If that also fails, the method will fail (ie return []).
split those cells, in which case it splits between those rows.
on a page. This is the new default behavior.
variable n. But when doInRowSplit is set to one, instead of n being the
first row after the split, n will be the row that is split.
we otherwise might split in a repeat row.
a line of text. The split point is then selected to be as high as possible
inside that.
before that.
cell. If the cell contents were actually split, that's easy, the first one
is simply set to valign to the bottom, and the second to the top. But if the
the value to remain close to the original position.
styles, line commands, etc. This is then used in the rest of the method,
which will split the new table into two tables, in the normal fashion.
attributes that starts with underscore are skipped.
list to adjust for the new split. This section did need a few extra lines
two different places, so it was moved to its own method, Table._splitLineCmds().
Table._listCellGeom() now supports cells that have plain text content.
This could be used to simplify code in some places where it's used.
Tests were added in the test_table_layout.py module.
diff --git a/src/reportlab/platypus/tables.py b/src/reportlab/platypus/tables.py
index 070c3fa..04717e8 100755
--- a/src/reportlab/platypus/tables.py
+++ b/src/reportlab/platypus/tables.py
@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ class CellStyle(PropertySet):
def copy(self, result=None):
if result is None:
- result = CellStyle()
+ result = CellStyle(
for name in dir(self):
+ if name.startswith('_'): continue
setattr(result, name, getattr(self, name))
return result
@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ RoundingRectLine = namedtuple('RoundingRectLine','xs ys xe ye weight color cap d
class Table(Flowable):
def __init__(self, data, colWidths=None, rowHeights=None, style=None,
- repeatRows=0, repeatCols=0, splitByRow=1, emptyTableAction=None, ident=None,
+ repeatRows=0, repeatCols=0, splitByRow=1, splitInRow=1, emptyTableAction=None, ident=None,
hAlign=None,vAlign=None, normalizedData=0, cellStyles=None, rowSplitRange=None,
spaceBefore=None,spaceAfter=None, longTableOptimize=None, minRowHeights=None,
cornerRadii=__UNSET__, #or [topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft bottomRight]
@@ -336,6 +337,7 @@ class Table(Flowable):
self.repeatRows = repeatRows
self.repeatCols = repeatCols
self.splitByRow = splitByRow
+ self.splitInRow = splitInRow
if style:
@@ -464,6 +466,10 @@ class Table(Flowable):
w = 0
canv = getattr(self,'canv',None)
sb0 = None
+ if isinstance(V, str):
+ vw = self._elementWidth(V, s)
+ vh = len(V.split('\n'))*s.fontsize*1.2
+ return max(w, vw), vh
for v in V:
vw, vh = v.wrapOn(canv, aW, aH)
sb = v.getSpaceBefore()
@@ -1356,46 +1362,100 @@ class Table(Flowable):
if er>=n: er -= n
self._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, sr), (ec, er))+tuple(c[3:]))
- def _splitRows(self,availHeight):
- n=self._getFirstPossibleSplitRowPosition(availHeight)
- repeatRows = self.repeatRows
- if n<= (repeatRows if isinstance(repeatRows,int) else (max(repeatRows)+1)): return []
- lim = len(self._rowHeights)
- if n==lim: return [self]
+ def _splitCell(self, value, style, oldHeight, newHeight, width):
+ # Content height of the new top row
+ height0 = newHeight - style.topPadding
+ # Content height of the new bottom row
+ height1 = oldHeight - (style.topPadding + newHeight)
- lo = self._rowSplitRange
- if lo:
- lo, hi = lo
- if lo<0: lo += lim
- if hi<0: hi += lim
- if n>hi:
- return self._splitRows(availHeight - sum(self._rowHeights[hi:n]))
- elif n<lo:
+ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ newCellContent = []
+ postponedContent = []
+ split = False
+ cellHeight = self._listCellGeom(value, width, style)[1]
+ if style.valign == "MIDDLE":
+ usedHeight = (oldHeight - cellHeight) / 2
+ else:
+ usedHeight = 0
+ for flowable in value:
+ if split:
+ if flowable.height <= height1:
+ postponedContent.append(flowable)
+ # Shrink the available height:
+ height1 -= flowable.height
+ else:
+ # The content doesn't fit after the split:
+ return []
+ elif usedHeight + flowable.height <= height0:
+ newCellContent.append(flowable)
+ usedHeight += flowable.height
+ else:
+ # This is where we need to split
+ splits = flowable.split(width, height0-usedHeight)
+ if splits:
+ newCellContent.append(splits[0])
+ postponedContent.append(splits[1])
+ else:
+ # We couldn't split this flowable at the desired
+ # point. If we already has added previous paragraphs
+ # to the content, just add everything after the split.
+ # Also try adding it after the split if valign isn't TOP
+ if newCellContent or style.valign != "TOP":
+ if flowable.height <= height1:
+ postponedContent.append(flowable)
+ # Shrink the available height:
+ height1 -= flowable.height
+ else:
+ # The content doesn't fit after the split:
+ return []
+ else:
+ # We could not split this, so we fail:
+ return []
+ split = True
+ return (tuple(newCellContent), tuple(postponedContent))
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ rows = value.split("\n")
+ lineHeight = 1.2 * style.fontsize
+ contentHeight = (style.leading or lineHeight) * len(rows)
+ if style.valign == "TOP" and contentHeight <= height0:
+ # This fits in the first cell, all is good
+ return (value, '')
+ elif style.valign == "BOTTOM" and contentHeight <= height1:
+ # This fits in the second cell, all is good
+ return ('', value)
+ elif style.valign == "MIDDLE":
+ # Put it in the largest cell:
+ if height1 > height0:
+ return ('', value)
+ else:
+ return (value, '')
+ elif len(rows) < 2:
+ # It doesn't fit, and there's nothing to split: Fail
return []
+ # We need to split this, and there are multiple lines, so we can
+ if style.valign == "TOP":
+ splitPoint = height0 // lineHeight
+ elif style.valign == "BOTTOM":
+ splitPoint = len(rows) - (height1 // lineHeight)
+ else: # MID
+ splitPoint = (height0 - height1 + contentHeight) // (2 * lineHeight)
- repeatCols = self.repeatCols
- splitByRow = self.splitByRow
- data = self._cellvalues
+ splitPoint = int(splitPoint)
+ return ('\n'.join(rows[:splitPoint]), '\n'.join(rows[splitPoint:]))
- #we're going to split into two superRows
- ident = self.ident
- if ident: ident = IdentStr(ident)
- lto = self._longTableOptimize
- if lto:
- splitH = self._rowHeights
- else:
- splitH = self._argH
- cornerRadii = getattr(self,'_cornerRadii',None)
- R0 = self.__class__( data[:n], colWidths=self._colWidths, rowHeights=splitH[:n],
- repeatRows=repeatRows, repeatCols=repeatCols,
- splitByRow=splitByRow, normalizedData=1, cellStyles=self._cellStyles[:n],
- ident=ident,
- spaceBefore=getattr(self,'spaceBefore',None),
- longTableOptimize=lto,
- cornerRadii=cornerRadii[:2] if cornerRadii else None)
+ # No content
+ return ('', '')
+ def _splitLineCmds(self, n, doInRowSplit=0):
nrows = self._nrows
ncols = self._ncols
#copy the commands
A = []
# hack up the line commands
@@ -1414,16 +1474,21 @@ class Table(Flowable):
if er < 0: er += nrows
if op in ('BOX','OUTLINE','GRID'):
- if sr<n and er>=n:
+ if (sr<n and er>=n) or (doInRowSplit and sr==n):
# we have to split the BOX
A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,sr), (ec,sr), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEBEFORE',(sc,sr), (sc,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEAFTER',(ec,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,er), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
if op=='GRID':
- A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
- A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
- A.append(('INNERGRID',(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ if doInRowSplit:
+ A.append(('INNERGRID',(sc,sr), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ A.append(('INNERGRID',(sc,n+1), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ #A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ else:
+ A.append(('LINEBELOW',(sc,n-1), (ec,n-1), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ A.append(('LINEABOVE',(sc,n), (ec,n), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ A.append(('INNERGRID',(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
elif op == 'INNERGRID':
@@ -1442,11 +1507,180 @@ class Table(Flowable):
A.append((op,(sc,sr), (ec,er), weight, color, cap, dash, join, count, space))
+ return A
+ def _splitRows(self,availHeight,doInRowSplit=0):
+ # Get the split position. if we split between rows (doInRowSplit=0),
+ # then n will be the first row after the split. If we split a row,
+ # then n is the row we split in two.
+ n=self._getFirstPossibleSplitRowPosition(availHeight)
+ # We can't split before or in the repeatRows/headers
+ repeatRows = self.repeatRows
+ maxrepeat = repeatRows if isinstance(repeatRows,int) else max(repeatRows)+1
+ if doInRowSplit and n<maxrepeat or not doInRowSplit and n<=maxrepeat:
+ return []
+ # If the whole table fits, return it
+ lim = len(self._rowHeights)
+ if n==lim: return [self]
+ lo = self._rowSplitRange
+ if lo:
+ lo, hi = lo
+ if lo<0: lo += lim
+ if hi<0: hi += lim
+ if n>hi:
+ return self._splitRows(availHeight - sum(self._rowHeights[hi:n]), doInRowSplit=doInRowSplit)
+ elif n<lo:
+ return []
+ repeatCols = self.repeatCols
+ splitByRow = self.splitByRow
+ splitInRow = self.splitInRow
+ data = self._cellvalues
+ if not doInRowSplit:
+ T = self
+ else:
+ # We are splitting the n row into two, if possible.
+ # We can't split if the available height is less than the minimum set:
+ if self._minRowHeights and availHeight < self._minRowHeights[n]:
+ return []
+ usedHeights = sum(self._rowHeights[:n])
+ cellvalues = self._cellvalues[n]
+ cellStyles = self._cellStyles[n]
+ cellWidths = self._colWidths
+ curRowHeight = self._rowHeights[n]
+ # First find the min/max split point
+ minSplit = 0 # Counted from top
+ maxSplit = 0 # Counted from bottom
+ maxHeight = 0
+ for (value, style, width) in zip(cellvalues, cellStyles, cellWidths):
+ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ # A sequence of flowables:
+ w, height = self._listCellGeom(value, width, style)
+ height += style.topPadding + style.bottomPadding
+ if height > maxHeight:
+ maxHeight = height
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ rows = value.split("\n")
+ lineHeight = 1.2 * style.fontsize
+ height = lineHeight * len(rows) + style.topPadding + style.bottomPadding
+ # Make sure we don't try to split in the middle of the first or last line
+ minSplit = max(minSplit, lineHeight + style.topPadding)
+ maxSplit = max(maxSplit, lineHeight + style.bottomPadding)
+ if height > maxHeight:
+ maxHeight = height
+ if minSplit + maxSplit > curRowHeight:
+ return []
+ if minSplit > (availHeight - usedHeights): # Fail
+ return []
+ # This is where we split the row:
+ splitPoint = min(availHeight - usedHeights, maxHeight - maxSplit)
+ R0 = [] # Top half of the row
+ R0Height = 0 # Minimum height
+ R1 = [] # Bottom half of the row
+ R1Height = 0 # Minimum height
+ R1Styles = []
+ for (value, style, width) in zip(cellvalues, cellStyles, cellWidths):
+ v = self._splitCell(value, style, curRowHeight, splitPoint, width)
+ if not v:
+ # Splitting the table failed
+ return []
+ newStyle = style.copy()
+ if style.valign == "MIDDLE":
+ # Adjust margins
+ if v[0] and v[1]:
+ # We split the content, so fix up the valign:
+ style.valign = "BOTTOM"
+ newStyle.valign = "TOP"
+ else:
+ # Adjust the margins to push it towards the true middle
+ h = self._listCellGeom(v[0] or v[1], width, style)[1]
+ margin = (curRowHeight - h) / 2
+ if v[0]:
+ style.topPadding += margin
+ elif v[1]:
+ newStyle.bottomPadding += margin
+ R0.append(v[0])
+ R1.append(v[1])
+ h0 = self._listCellGeom(v[0], width, style)[1] + style.topPadding + style.bottomPadding
+ R0Height = max(R0Height, h0)
+ h1 = self._listCellGeom(v[1], width, style)[1] + style.topPadding + style.bottomPadding
+ R1Height = max(R1Height, h1)
+ R1Styles.append(newStyle)
+ # Make a new table with the row split into two:
+ usedHeight = min(splitPoint, R0Height)
+ newRowHeight = max(R1Height, self._rowHeights[n] - usedHeight)
+ newRowHeights = self._rowHeights[:]
+ newRowHeights.insert(n + 1, newRowHeight)
+ newRowHeights[n] = usedHeight
+ newCellStyles = self._cellStyles[:]
+ newCellStyles.insert(n + 1, R1Styles)
+ data = data[:n] + [R0] + [R1] + data[n+1:]
+ T = self.__class__( data, colWidths=self._colWidths,
+ rowHeights=newRowHeights, repeatRows=self.repeatRows,
+ repeatCols=self.repeatCols, splitByRow=self.splitByRow,
+ splitInRow=self.splitInRow, normalizedData=1,
+ cellStyles=newCellStyles, ident=self.ident,
+ spaceBefore=getattr(self,'spaceBefore',None),
+ longTableOptimize=self._longTableOptimize,
+ cornerRadii=getattr(self,'_cornerRadii',None))
+ T._linecmds = self._linecmds
+ T._linecmds = T._splitLineCmds(n, doInRowSplit=1)
+ n = n + 1
+ #we're going to split into two superRows
+ ident = self.ident
+ if ident: ident = IdentStr(ident)
+ lto = T._longTableOptimize
+ if lto:
+ splitH = T._rowHeights
+ else:
+ splitH = T._argH
+ if doInRowSplit:
+ spaceAfter = None
+ else:
+ spaceAfter = availHeight - sum(splitH[:n])
+ cornerRadii = getattr(self,'_cornerRadii',None)
+ R0 = self.__class__( data[:n], colWidths=T._colWidths, rowHeights=splitH[:n],
+ repeatRows=repeatRows, repeatCols=repeatCols, splitByRow=splitByRow,
+ splitInRow=splitInRow, normalizedData=1, cellStyles=T._cellStyles[:n],
+ ident=ident,
+ spaceBefore=getattr(self,'spaceBefore',None),
+ spaceAfter=spaceAfter,
+ longTableOptimize=lto,
+ cornerRadii=cornerRadii[:2] if cornerRadii else None)
+ nrows = T._nrows
+ ncols = T._ncols
+ A = T._splitLineCmds(n, doInRowSplit=doInRowSplit)
- R0._cr_0(n,self._bkgrndcmds,nrows,_srflMode=True)
- R0._cr_0(n,self._spanCmds,nrows)
- R0._cr_0(n,self._nosplitCmds,nrows)
- for c in self._srflcmds:
+ R0._cr_0(n,T._bkgrndcmds,nrows,_srflMode=True)
+ R0._cr_0(n,T._spanCmds,nrows)
+ R0._cr_0(n,T._nosplitCmds,nrows)
+ for c in T._srflcmds:
if c[1][1]!='splitlast': continue
(sc,sr), (ec,er) = c[1:3]
@@ -1457,50 +1691,50 @@ class Table(Flowable):
if isinstance(repeatRows,int):
iRows = data[:repeatRows]
iRowH = splitH[:repeatRows]
- iCS = self._cellStyles[:repeatRows]
+ iCS = T._cellStyles[:repeatRows]
repeatRows = list(range(repeatRows))
#we have a list of repeated rows eg (1,3)
repeatRows = list(sorted(repeatRows))
iRows = [data[i] for i in repeatRows]
iRowH = [splitH[i] for i in repeatRows]
- iCS = [self._cellStyles[i] for i in repeatRows]
- R1 = self.__class__(iRows+data[n:],colWidths=self._colWidths,
+ iCS = [T._cellStyles[i] for i in repeatRows]
+ R1 = self.__class__(iRows+data[n:],colWidths=T._colWidths,
repeatRows=len(repeatRows), repeatCols=repeatCols,
splitByRow=splitByRow, normalizedData=1,
- cellStyles=iCS+self._cellStyles[n:],
+ cellStyles=iCS+T._cellStyles[n:],
cornerRadii = cornerRadii,
R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,A) #linecommands
- R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,self._bkgrndcmds,_srflMode=True)
- R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,self._spanCmds)
- R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,self._nosplitCmds)
+ R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,T._bkgrndcmds,_srflMode=True)
+ R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,T._spanCmds)
+ R1._cr_1_1(n,nrows,repeatRows,T._nosplitCmds)
#R1 = slelf.__class__(data[n:], self._argW, self._argH[n:],
- R1 = self.__class__(data[n:], colWidths=self._colWidths, rowHeights=splitH[n:],
+ R1 = self.__class__(data[n:], colWidths=T._colWidths, rowHeights=splitH[n:],
repeatRows=repeatRows, repeatCols=repeatCols,
- splitByRow=splitByRow, normalizedData=1, cellStyles=self._cellStyles[n:],
+ splitByRow=splitByRow, normalizedData=1, cellStyles=T._cellStyles[n:],
cornerRadii = ([0,0] + cornerRadii[2:]) if cornerRadii else None,
- R1._cr_1_0(n,self._bkgrndcmds,_srflMode=True)
- R1._cr_1_0(n,self._spanCmds)
- R1._cr_1_0(n,self._nosplitCmds)
- for c in self._srflcmds:
+ R1._cr_1_0(n,T._bkgrndcmds,_srflMode=True)
+ R1._cr_1_0(n,T._spanCmds)
+ R1._cr_1_0(n,T._nosplitCmds)
+ for c in T._srflcmds:
if c[1][1]!='splitfirst': continue
(sc,sr), (ec,er) = c[1:3]
R1._addCommand((c[0],)+((sc, 0), (ec, 0))+tuple(c[3:]))
- R0.hAlign = R1.hAlign = self.hAlign
- R0.vAlign = R1.vAlign = self.vAlign
+ R0.hAlign = R1.hAlign = T.hAlign
+ R0.vAlign = R1.vAlign = T.vAlign
return [R0,R1]
@@ -1521,6 +1755,7 @@ class Table(Flowable):
def _getFirstPossibleSplitRowPosition(self,availHeight):
+ # Returns the LAST possible split row position
if self._spanCmds:
@@ -1540,11 +1775,21 @@ class Table(Flowable):
def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
self._calc(availWidth, availHeight)
- if self.splitByRow:
+ if self.splitByRow or self.splitInRow:
if not rl_config.allowTableBoundsErrors and self._width>availWidth: return []
- return self._splitRows(availHeight)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
+ # If self.splitByRow is true, first try with doInRowSplit as false.
+ # Otherwise, first try with doInRowSplit as true
+ result = self._splitRows(availHeight, doInRowSplit=not self.splitByRow)
+ if result:
+ # That worked, return that:
+ return result
+ # The first attempt did NOT succeed, now try with the flag flipped.
+ return self._splitRows(availHeight, doInRowSplit=self.splitByRow)
+ # We can't split this table in any way, raise an error:
+ return []
def _makeRoundedCornersClip(self, FUZZ=rl_config._FUZZ):
self._roundingRectDef = None
diff --git a/tests/test_table_layout.py b/tests/test_table_layout.py
index edfe436..b019f1f 100644
--- a/tests/test_table_layout.py
+++ b/tests/test_table_layout.py
@@ -403,6 +403,120 @@ class TableTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
lst.append(Paragraph("""This code does not yet handle spans well.""",
+ lst.append(PageBreak())
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""Oversized cells""", styleSheet['Heading1']))
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""In some cases cells with flowables can end up
+ being larger than a page. In that case, we need to split the page.
+ The splitInRow attribute allows that, it's by default 0.""",
+ styNormal))
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""Here is a table, with splitByRow=1 and
+ splitInRow=0. It splits between the two rows.""",
+ styNormal))
+ ministy = TableStyle([
+ ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1.0, colors.black),
+ ('VALIGN', (0,1), (1,1), 'BOTTOM'),
+ ('VALIGN', (1,1), (2,1), 'MIDDLE'),
+ ('VALIGN', (2,1), (3,1), 'TOP'),
+ ('VALIGN', (3,1), (4,1), 'BOTTOM'),
+ ('VALIGN', (4,1), (5,1), 'MIDDLE'),
+ ('VALIGN', (5,1), (6,1), 'TOP'),
+ ])
+ cell1 = [Paragraph(
+ """This is a very tall cell to make a tall row for splitting.""",
+ styNormal)]
+ cell2 = [Paragraph("This cell has two flowables.", styNormal),
+ Paragraph("And valign=MIDDLE.", styNormal)]
+ cell3 = [Paragraph("Paragraph with valign=TOP", styNormal)]
+ tableData = [
+ ['Row 1', 'Two rows:\nSo there', 'is a', 'place', 'to split', 'the table'],
+ [cell1, cell2, cell3, 'valign=BOTTOM', 'valign=MIDDLE', 'valign=TOP']
+ ]
+ # This is the table with splitByRow, which splits between row 1 & 2:
+ t = Table(tableData,
+ colWidths=(50, 70, 70, 90, 90, 70),
+ rowHeights=None,
+ style=ministy,
+ splitByRow=1,
+ splitInRow=0)
+ parts = t.split(451, 55)
+ lst.append(parts[0])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("", styNormal))
+ lst.append(parts[1])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""Here is the same table, with splitByRow=0 and
+ splitInRow=1. It splits inside a row.""",
+ styNormal))
+ # This is the table with splitInRow, which splits in row 2:
+ t = Table(tableData,
+ colWidths=(50, 70, 70, 90, 90, 70),
+ rowHeights=None,
+ style=ministy,
+ splitByRow=0,
+ splitInRow=1)
+ parts = t.split(451, 57)
+ lst.append(parts[0])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("", styNormal))
+ lst.append(parts[1])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""Here is the same table, with splitByRow=1 and
+ splitInRow=1. It splits between the rows, if possible.""",
+ styNormal))
+ # This is the table with both splits, which splits in row 2:
+ t = Table(tableData,
+ colWidths=(50, 70, 70, 90, 90, 70),
+ rowHeights=None,
+ style=ministy,
+ splitByRow=1,
+ splitInRow=1)
+ parts = t.split(451, 57)
+ lst.append(parts[0])
+ #lst.append(Paragraph("", styNormal))
+ lst.append(parts[1])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""But if we constrict the space to less than the first row,
+ it splits that row.""",
+ styNormal))
+ # This is the table with both splits and no space, which splits in row 1:
+ t = Table(tableData,
+ colWidths=(50, 70, 70, 90, 90, 70),
+ rowHeights=None,
+ style=ministy,
+ splitByRow=1,
+ splitInRow=1)
+ parts = t.split(451, 15)
+ lst.append(parts[0])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("", styNormal))
+ lst.append(parts[1])
+ # Split it at a point in row 2, where the split fails
+ lst.append(Paragraph("""When splitByRow is 0 and splitInRow is 1, we should
+ still allow fallback to splitting between rows""",
+ styNormal))
+ t = Table(tableData,
+ colWidths=(50, 70, 70, 90, 90, 70),
+ rowHeights=None,
+ style=ministy,
+ splitByRow=0,
+ splitInRow=1)
+ parts = t.split(451, 55)
+ lst.append(parts[0])
+ lst.append(Paragraph("", styNormal))
+ lst.append(parts[1])
SimpleDocTemplate(outputfile('test_table_layout.pdf'), showBoundary=1).build(lst)
def makeSuite():