Evangelismo Total Damy Ferreira Pdf 30

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Terese Stallman

Dec 9, 2023, 11:11:16 PM12/9/23
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Evangelismo Total: A Book by Damy Ferreira that Teaches You How to Share the Gospel with Anyone

Evangelismo Total is a book by Damy Ferreira that teaches you different, contemporary and practical methods for personal and mass evangelism. It includes a complete series of Bible studies that can help you to share the gospel with anyone, regardless of their background, culture or beliefs.

In this article, we will give you an overview of Evangelismo Total and show you how you can download it in PDF format.

Evangelismo Total Damy Ferreira Pdf 30

Download File https://jfilte.com/2wJuXK

What is Evangelismo Total?

Evangelismo Total is a Spanish word that means "total evangelism". It is based on the idea that evangelism is not just a one-time event, but a continuous process that involves four stages: pre-evangelism, evangelism, post-evangelism and discipleship.

Pre-evangelism is the stage where you prepare the ground for the gospel by building relationships, showing interest, listening and asking questions. Evangelism is the stage where you present the gospel clearly and invite the person to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Post-evangelism is the stage where you follow up with the new believer and help them to grow in their faith. Discipleship is the stage where you train the new believer to become a mature Christian who can share the gospel with others.

What are some of the methods of Evangelismo Total?

Evangelismo Total covers a variety of methods for personal and mass evangelism. Some of them are:

    • The Four Spiritual Laws: A simple way to explain the gospel using four statements: God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life; sin separates you from God and his plan; Jesus died for your sins and rose again; you need to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior by faith.
    • The Bridge Illustration: A visual way to explain the gospel using a drawing of a bridge between God and man, with a cross in the middle. The bridge represents Jesus, who bridged the gap between God and man by dying for our sins.
    • The Roman Road: A scriptural way to explain the gospel using verses from the book of Romans. The verses show that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), that God demonstrates his love for us by sending his Son to die for us (Romans 5:8), that we can be saved by confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in his resurrection (Romans 10:9-10), and that we can have peace with God through Jesus (Romans 5:1).
    • The Evangelistic Bible Study: A participatory way to explain the gospel using a series of Bible studies that cover topics such as who is God, who is man, who is Jesus, what is sin, what is salvation, what is faith, what is repentance, what is baptism, what is the church, what is discipleship, etc.
    • The Evangelistic Campaign: A public way to explain the gospel using a large-scale event such as a crusade, a concert, a festival, a seminar, etc. The event should have an attractive theme, a clear message, an invitation to respond, and a follow-up plan.

    How can you download Evangelismo Total in PDF format?

    If you want to download Evangelismo Total in PDF format, you have several options:


      Evangelismo Total is a book by Damy Ferreira that teaches you how to share the gospel with anyone. It covers different methods of personal and mass evangelism and includes a complete series of Bible studies. You can download it in PDF format from various sources online. We hope this article has been helpful for you and that you will enjoy reading Evangelismo Total.

      What are the benefits of Evangelismo Total?

      Evangelismo Total can help you to experience many benefits in your personal and spiritual life. Some of them are:

        • You will grow in your love for God and for people, as you obey his command to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
        • You will develop your communication and interpersonal skills, as you learn how to share the gospel effectively with different types of people.
        • You will discover your spiritual gifts and talents, as you use them to serve God and others in evangelism.
        • You will enjoy the joy and satisfaction of seeing people come to Christ and grow in their faith, as you witness the transforming power of the gospel.
        • You will become part of a larger community of believers who share the same vision and passion for evangelism, as you join forces with other churches and ministries.

        What are some of the challenges of Evangelismo Total?

        Evangelismo Total is not without its challenges. Some of them are:

          • You may face opposition and persecution from the world, the flesh and the devil, as you stand for the truth and confront the darkness with the light of the gospel (John 15:18-20; Ephesians 6:10-18).
          • You may encounter difficulties and obstacles in reaching certain people groups, such as those who are hostile, indifferent or resistant to the gospel (1 Corinthians 1:18-25; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
          • You may struggle with doubts and fears in your own heart, such as feeling inadequate, unqualified or unworthy to share the gospel (Exodus 3:11-12; 2 Corinthians 3:5-6).
          • You may need to overcome some barriers and prejudices in your own mind, such as cultural, racial or religious differences that may hinder your communication and understanding of the gospel (Acts 10:9-48; Galatians 3:28).
          • You may have to sacrifice some of your time, money and resources to invest in evangelism, as you prioritize God's kingdom over your own interests (Matthew 6:33; Philippians 3:7-8).

          How can you overcome the challenges of Evangelismo Total?

          Evangelismo Total is not impossible. You can overcome the challenges of evangelism by relying on God's grace and power. Here are some tips to help you:

            • Pray: Ask God to give you strength, courage, wisdom and love to share the gospel with anyone. Pray for the people you want to reach, that God would open their hearts and minds to receive the gospel. Pray for other believers who are involved in evangelism, that God would bless their efforts and protect them from harm.
            • Study: Study the Bible and learn how to defend your faith. Study Evangelismo Total and learn how to use different methods of evangelism. Study the culture and worldview of the people you want to reach, and learn how to bridge the gap with the gospel.
            • Practice: Practice sharing the gospel with your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Use different methods and see what works best for you. Practice answering common questions and objections that people may have about the gospel.
            • Pursue: Pursue opportunities to share the gospel with people who do not know Jesus. Look for ways to start conversations, ask questions, show interest, listen attentively and present the gospel clearly.
            • Persuade: Persuade people to respond to the gospel by asking them if they want to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Lead them in a prayer of repentance and faith

            What are some of the testimonials of Evangelismo Total?

            Evangelismo Total has been used by many churches and ministries around the world to train and equip their members for evangelism. Here are some of the testimonials of people who have benefited from Evangelismo Total:

              • "Evangelismo Total has been a great tool for our church to reach out to our community with the gospel. We have seen many people come to Christ and join our church through the evangelistic Bible studies. We are grateful to Damy Ferreira for his vision and passion for evangelism." - Pastor Juan, Mexico
              • "Evangelismo Total has helped me to overcome my fear and insecurity in sharing the gospel. I have learned how to use different methods and adapt to different situations. I have also seen how God has used me to lead others to Christ and disciple them. Evangelismo Total has changed my life and ministry." - Maria, Colombia
              • "Evangelismo Total has inspired me to be more intentional and strategic in evangelism. I have learned how to plan and organize evangelistic campaigns that attract and impact many people. I have also seen how God has blessed our church with growth and fruitfulness through Evangelismo Total." - Daniel, Peru

              How can you get involved in Evangelismo Total?

              If you want to get involved in Evangelismo Total, you have several options:

                • You can buy or download the book Evangelismo Total by Damy Ferreira and read it for yourself. You can also share it with others who are interested in evangelism.
                • You can join or start an evangelistic Bible study group using the materials provided by Evangelismo Total. You can invite your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to join you.
                • You can participate or volunteer in an evangelistic campaign organized by your church or ministry using the methods taught by Evangelismo Total. You can help with the preparation, promotion, execution and follow-up of the event.
                • You can support or partner with other churches and ministries that are using Evangelismo Total for evangelism. You can pray for them, donate to them, or join them in their efforts.


                Evangelismo Total is a book by Damy Ferreira that teaches you how to share the gospel with anyone. It covers different methods of personal and mass evangelism and includes a complete series of Bible studies. You can download it in PDF format from various sources online. You can also get involved in Evangelismo Total by reading the book, joining or starting an evangelistic Bible study group, participating or volunteering in an evangelistic campaign, or supporting or partnering with other churches and ministries that are using Evangelismo Total for evangelism. We hope this article has been helpful for you and that you will enjoy reading and applying Evangelismo Total.


                Evangelismo Total is a book by Damy Ferreira that teaches you how to share the gospel with anyone. It covers different methods of personal and mass evangelism and includes a complete series of Bible studies. You can download it in PDF format from various sources online. You can also get involved in Evangelismo Total by reading the book, joining or starting an evangelistic Bible study group, participating or volunteering in an evangelistic campaign, or supporting or partnering with other churches and ministries that are using Evangelismo Total for evangelism. We hope this article has been helpful for you and that you will enjoy reading and applying Evangelismo Total.

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