Moving on from Gerrit

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Dave Borowitz

May 12, 2019, 2:13:28 AM5/12/19
to repo-discuss, David Borowitz
Dear Gerrit community,

Seven and a half years ago, Shawn clicked submit on my first change[1] to the Gerrit project. Today, 9,000 reviews, 3,400 commits, and half a million lines[2] later, the time has come for me to step aside from the Gerrit project.

Over the past couple years, you may have noticed the center of gravity of the Gerrit teams at Google shifting towards Munich. Over there we have some really great leaders in Han-Wen and Ole, as well as the strong engineering team you all know, and more new hires on the way. Following my recent move to Seattle, I've decided to pursue a new opportunity in Google Cloud, starting in a few weeks.

I can't tell you how much the Gerrit project and community has meant to me over the years. When I joined the project, I was barely out of school; Shawn took a chance on me and helped my career grow to where I am today. Along the way, I got to know and work with some amazing people inside Google and out in the world, as well as travel to exotic locales all around Western Europe. It's humbling to have been part of a project so much larger than myself—that's the beauty of open source.

Many of you I'll be seeing one more time in Munich this week, so I'm looking forward to another great hackathon. Anyone can feel free to reach out during or after, either to my work email or my personal address (cc'ed).

All the best,

[1] Something about the contact store (, which, to nobody's surprise, I deleted wholesale a few years later (

Mark Derricutt

May 12, 2019, 6:37:58 PM5/12/19
to Dave Borowitz, repo-discuss, David Borowitz

On 12 May 2019, at 0:46, 'Dave Borowitz' via Repo and Gerrit Discussion wrote:

Seven and a half years ago, Shawn clicked submit on my first change[1] to the Gerrit project. Today, 9,000 reviews, 3,400 commits, and half a million lines[2] later, the time has come for me to step aside from the Gerrit project.

As a mere user of Gerrit - THANK YOU for all 3,400 of those commits.


"The ease with which a change can be implemented has no relevance at all to whether it is the right change for the (Java) Platform for all time." — Mark Reinhold.

Mark Derricutt


Luca Milanesio

May 13, 2019, 1:26:29 AM5/13/19
to repo-discuss, Luca Milanesio, David Borowitz, Dave Borowitz
Hey Dave,
I clearly remember your (and my) first Hackathon back in 2012 in Mountain View

and receiving your post was making me feel like Linus Torvalds was announcing "Moving on from the Linux Kernel" 

Your 3,400 commits are a *huge understatement*, as basically most of the current live Gerrit backend was written almost entirely by you, like:
  • NoteDb
  • Lucene Indexes
  • Batch updates
  • Online reindexing and migration
  • Live upgrades

I recall Shawn telling that he did not recognize anymore Gerrit code-base, because you almost completely rewrote it:-)

I cannot imagine the Gerrit project without you, and you will always be a member of our Team, and we will be ever grateful for the years that you've dedicated to making the most potent piece of software for managing code and reviews.

Thanks, Dave.


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Edwin Kempin

May 21, 2019, 3:25:30 AM5/21/19
to Luca Milanesio, repo-discuss, David Borowitz, Dave Borowitz
On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 7:26 AM Luca Milanesio <> wrote:
Hey Dave,
I clearly remember your (and my) first Hackathon back in 2012 in Mountain View

and receiving your post was making me feel like Linus Torvalds was announcing "Moving on from the Linux Kernel" 

Your 3,400 commits are a *huge understatement*, as basically most of the current live Gerrit backend was written almost entirely by you, like:
  • NoteDb
  • Lucene Indexes
  • Batch updates
  • Online reindexing and migration
  • Live upgrades

I recall Shawn telling that he did not recognize anymore Gerrit code-base, because you almost completely rewrote it:-)

I cannot imagine the Gerrit project without you, and you will always be a member of our Team, and we will be ever grateful for the years that you've dedicated to making the most potent piece of software for managing code and reviews.

Thanks, Dave.


On 11 May 2019, at 14:46, 'Dave Borowitz' via Repo and Gerrit Discussion <> wrote:

Dear Gerrit community,

Seven and a half years ago, Shawn clicked submit on my first change[1] to the Gerrit project. Today, 9,000 reviews, 3,400 commits, and half a million lines[2] later, the time has come for me to step aside from the Gerrit project.

Over the past couple years, you may have noticed the center of gravity of the Gerrit teams at Google shifting towards Munich. Over there we have some really great leaders in Han-Wen and Ole, as well as the strong engineering team you all know, and more new hires on the way. Following my recent move to Seattle, I've decided to pursue a new opportunity in Google Cloud, starting in a few weeks.

I can't tell you how much the Gerrit project and community has meant to me over the years. When I joined the project, I was barely out of school; Shawn took a chance on me and helped my career grow to where I am today. Along the way, I got to know and work with some amazing people inside Google and out in the world, as well as travel to exotic locales all around Western Europe. It's humbling to have been part of a project so much larger than myself—that's the beauty of open source.

Many of you I'll be seeing one more time in Munich this week, so I'm looking forward to another great hackathon. Anyone can feel free to reach out during or after, either to my work email or my personal address (cc'ed).

All the best,
Dave, I'm very thankful that I could work together with you on Gerrit for those many years and you will be greatly missed! You are an excellent engineer and working with you helped me grow a lot, especially after I joined Google. Your contributions and leadership for the Gerrit project are invaluable and we will do our very best to follow your example and continue pushing Gerrit to new limits!

I'm wishing you all the best for your new your new role in Google Cloud! They are much lucky to have you now!


[1] Something about the contact store (, which, to nobody's surprise, I deleted wholesale a few years later (

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Sven Selberg

May 22, 2019, 9:03:45 AM5/22/19
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Thank you Dave for all your contributions to Gerrit and the Gerrit community (so far), the value of which is immeasurable.

Thank you also for the willingness with which you share your expertise and knowledge, and the seemingly effortless way in which you do so.
I personally have benefited immensely from the concise and to-the-point answers, comments and explanations you have given me and others through the course of these past five years that I have participated in this community along side you.

Even though *queue music* this community seems to be stacked with brilliant, knowledgeable people you will be sorely missed and I hope you wont disappear completely from things Gerrit and that I'll see you again.

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