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[POLL] Gerrit User Summit 2023

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Luca Milanesio

Mar 15, 2023, 5:52:05 PM3/15/23
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion, Luca Milanesio, Nicholas Mucci
Hi all,
I am pleased to announce that Volvo Cars has offered to sponsor and host the Gerrit User Summit 2023 in Gothenburg (Sweden).

I have prepared a short survey (1 min MAX) to check the suitability of the proposal and see how many people may be interested in attending face-to-face to the event:

THANK YOU in advance for answering the survey and to Volvo Cars for putting this offer through Nicholas Mucci.

Luca Milanesio.

Luca Milanesio

Apr 19, 2023, 9:55:41 AM4/19/23
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion, Luca Milanesio, Nicholas Mucci
Hi all,
Thanks to everyone for participating in the poll; see below the results showing that around 40% of the people would attend face-to-face, and the remaining 60% would watch live or playback online.

I will then follow up with Volvo Cars for the follow-up actions and setting up the site for the Summit 2023!


Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 06.51.51.png
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