Cache related documentation

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Nuno Costa

Dec 23, 2020, 12:40:05 PM12/23/20
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

Hi all,

I've been working on our cache setup and the process have been more of a trial and error to understand which action triggers specific cache.

For example, setting changes disklimit (gerrit 3.2.3) does not seem to take effect. Changes cache does not appear in the Disk section of gerrit show-caches command.

Found this bug from 2016[1] which mentions that some caches are not configurable but gerrit.config file documentation is not clear on which ones are configurable or not.

Additional info here[2]

Can anyone point to some documentation about the cache process and triggers?

Enjoy your holidays and stay safe :)


Patrick Hiesel

Jan 8, 2021, 3:38:52 AM1/8/21
to Nuno Costa, Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Happy new year!

Not all caches are persisted. Under "Standard Caches" here you'll find an exhaustive list of all caches. The description should say when a cache is persisted.

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