Topic Branch Support

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Chris Harris

Jul 30, 2012, 8:42:53 AM7/30/12
Kitware has been using the topic branch support developed for Nokia by codethink for VTK ( ) for several months now. We have fixed several issues and made some additions to the functionality. It was hoped that by now it would have made its way upstream but its seem that no one from codethink has the time to push forward with this. We have been spending time rebasing the functionality periodically but would really like to get away from maintain essentially a force of gerrit. We would like some advice from the community on how best to proceed. Topic branch support is needed for several of our project so we are very keen to get some form of topic branch support either based on codethinks work or another approach.
We saw that at the recent gerrit hackathon topic branch functionality was discussed can someone share anymore on this?
Can we start pushing the codethink changes for review? I think the contributor agreement disallows this? My feeling is there may be quite a lot of rework todo but we would try to help with this.
Are there others in the community using this functionality that could help an effort to upstream this?

Any advice/help gratefully recieved


Shawn Pearce

Jul 30, 2012, 1:07:09 PM7/30/12
to Chris Harris,
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Chris Harris <> wrote:
Kitware has been using the topic branch support developed for Nokia by codethink for VTK ( ) for several months now. We have fixed several issues and made some additions to the functionality. It was hoped that by now it would have made its way upstream but its seem that no one from codethink has the time to push forward with this. We have been spending time rebasing the functionality periodically but would really like to get away from maintain essentially a force of gerrit. We would like some advice from the community on how best to proceed. Topic branch support is needed for several of our project so we are very keen to get some form of topic branch support either based on codethinks work or another approach.
We saw that at the recent gerrit hackathon topic branch functionality was discussed can someone share anymore on this?

Nothing really interesting came out of this. We all would like to see the work from CodeThink make its way into Gerrit, but it hasn't.
Can we start pushing the codethink changes for review? I think the contributor agreement disallows this?

Right, it probably disallows this given the current circumstances. I don't know who owns the copyright on that code, because I don't know the details of the Nokia-CodeThink relationship. The contributor agreement requires you to have permission to license the code under Apache License 2.0. We try to avoid potential future legal issues by having the copyright owner handle the initial upload, giving us a warm fuzzy that the files are licensed under the necessary license for the the project and its consumers to use the code
My feeling is there may be quite a lot of rework todo but we would try to help with this.

Probably true. But if we can't get the copyright holder of this work to complete a contributor agreement and upload the initial version, we can't use it. We would have to start from scratch.

Marcus D. Hanwell

Jul 31, 2012, 9:55:14 AM7/31/12
to Pete Fotheringham,
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:41 AM, Pete Fotheringham
<> wrote:
> Codethink completed a CLA in July 2011. Both Diego (deigocelix, who did most
> of the coding) and myself are/were on the "Codethink LimitedContributors"
> list of people authorized to upload changes.
> It was always Codethink's intention (and Nokia's) that our changes would be
> upstreamed. Unfortunately we ran out of time and budget and Diego moved to a
> job with a different company. Codethink still don't have any budget for
> further work on Gerrit, but we would still be more than happy for these
> changes to be upstreamed.
> If you need copies of any paperwork or emails relating to the CLA, just let
> me know,
From my understanding, after talking with Shawn last year, we need
someone who is on the CLA to upload the relevant changes to the
Android Gerrit instance. From that point on those changes have then
been contributed, and others can make necessary changes to get the
topic into an upstreamable form.

Hopefully Shawn or someone else will clarify this if I am incorrect.
We have several changes built on top of the Codethink changes, but
have no right to submit the Codethink changes. We have some time to
put into this, and would like to find the right way to get these
features into Gerrit (with the limited resources we have available).


Shawn Pearce

Jul 31, 2012, 12:33:49 PM7/31/12
to Marcus D. Hanwell, Pete Fotheringham,
Right. If a CodeThink authorized contributor can just upload the last version they worked on, even though it might not merge against the current version, that is enough to make the code available to others to start to rebase and build on top of.

Chris Harris

Aug 1, 2012, 8:13:50 AM8/1/12
to Pete Fotheringham,, Marcus D. Hanwell
Hi Pete, 

Many Thanks, we look forward to the contribution.


On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Pete Fotheringham <> wrote:
On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 5:33:49 PM UTC+1, Shawn Pearce wrote:
Right. If a CodeThink authorized contributor can just upload the last version they worked on, even though it might not merge against the current version, that is enough to make the code available to others to start to rebase and build on top of.

We will try to get something uploaded in the next day or so

Bailey, Darragh

Aug 2, 2012, 5:46:17 AM8/2/12
to Pete Fotheringham,, Marcus D. Hanwell
Hi Peter,

On 02/08/12 09:00, Pete Fotheringham wrote:
> I have the code here on my machine ready foir submissiong but I can't
> push the changes.
> I am trying to follow the instructions
> at -
> I tried to upload using the command
> > git push
> ssh://
> HEAD:refs/for/master/TopicReviews
> but that (eventually) gives the error
> >ssh: connect to host port 29418: No route
> to host
> > fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I can't recall all the exact details, but I'm fairly certain that
uploads for gerrit are all done over https and you'll need to sort out a
password on the google source site first.

> I tried to test the ssh connection
> > ssh -p 29418
> but again that just hangs it looks like I don't have any SSH keys
> configured and there is no SSH Public Keys tab under the settings menu
> I have not pushed any changes previously so I don't believe I have
> ever had this working. ALos the last time I accessed gerrit it was on
> the old server - I don't know if that makes a difference
> Any advice gratefully received

What I recall I did:

Used as the remote
to clone from

Went to
to sort out a password
Once you grant googlesource access, it will create a password and
provide you with details on what to place in your ~/.netrc file.

After that the following git command should work:
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master/TopicReviews

Hope I haven't forgotten anything.

Btw, is this mentioned anywhere on the site? I took a quick look, and
didn't spot anything. From what I recall, when I set up my access, I had
to rely on the mailing list for the details as well.

Darragh Bailey

Chris Harris

Aug 2, 2012, 8:32:19 AM8/2/12
to Bailey, Darragh, Pete Fotheringham,, Marcus D. Hanwell
Here is Shawn's original instructions on getting setup.


Chris Harris

Aug 2, 2012, 9:18:15 AM8/2/12
to Pete Fotheringham,, Marcus D. Hanwell
Hi Pete, 

I think we may need some help at Shawn's end to ensure the CLA is in the system.


On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:27 AM, Pete Fotheringham <> wrote:

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 1:13:50 PM UTC+1, Chris Harris wrote:
Hi Pete, 

Many Thanks, we look forward to the contribution.


Hi Chris

I think I'm going to need your help pushing these changes. As you can see from my reply to Darragh, the system is now saying that I need a CLA but we completed both corporate and individual  CLAs over  a year ago.

I am not sure I am pushing to the correct repos, or looking in the correct place on the web - should I be looking at

what is the URL to use for the git push - I tried 
> git push HEAD:refs/for/master/TopicReviews
but that gives me the 'A Contributor Agreement must be completed before uploading' error

I may have to give up on this shortly - my managers are asking me why I am spending time on  project that we stopped working on nearly a year ago :(

Pete Fotheringham

Aug 8, 2012, 4:43:19 AM8/8/12
to Shawn Pearce, Marcus D. Hanwell,
On 31/07/2012 17:33, Shawn Pearce wrote:
> Right. If a CodeThink authorized contributor can just upload the last
> version they worked on, even though it might not merge against the
> current version, that is enough to make the code available to others to
> start to rebase and build on top of.

1: I'm trying to upload the latest changes (made by Diego not by me). My
push is rejected with the following
> $ git push HEAD:refs/for/master/TopicReviews
> Username:
> Password:
> Counting objects: 4877, done.
> Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
> Compressing objects: 100% (1254/1254), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (4346/4346), 942.90 KiB, done.
> Total 4346 (delta 2020), reused 4210 (delta 1915)
> remote: Receiving objects: 100% (4346/4346)
> remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2020/2020)
> remote: Replicating objects... done.
> remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done
> remote: ERROR: missing Change-Id in commit message
> remote: Suggestion for commit message:
> remote: Revert "Predicates to check commit messages and edits"
> remote:
> remote: This reverts commit 0cec9e6f7ff1e62ce7f4e487e6a06e2a973baeb7
> remote:
> remote: This change breaks gerrit-server per:
> remote: * Martin Fick
> remote: * Anatol Pomazau
> remote: * Edwin Kempin.
> remote:
> remote: Change-Id: Id5ac8ce68680ebedbf42f8212e4f1aea6c217af8
> remote: ! [rejected] refs/for/master/TopicReviews (missing Change-Id in commit message)
I have no idea what I would have to do to get round this problem


2: Diego did upload some changes on Aug 30 2011
Is that enough to make the code available to others to start to rebase
and build on top of.

You can get the latest code from the topic_reviews branch of Diego's
github repo

Please let me know if that will work for you, or whether I need to keep
trying to push Diego's latest changes myself>



Pursehouse, David

Aug 8, 2012, 5:33:03 AM8/8/12
to, Shawn Pearce, Marcus D. Hanwell,
> remote: ERROR: missing Change-Id in commit message

Try `git commit --amend` and add the Change-Id line at the bottom of the commit message:

Change-Id: Id5ac8ce68680ebedbf42f8212e4f1aea6c217af8

David Pursehouse
Configuration Manager
Sony Mobile Communications Japan, Inc.

Pursehouse, David

Aug 8, 2012, 6:43:28 AM8/8/12
to Pete Fotheringham,,, Shawn Pearce, Marcus D. Hanwell
> I'm trying to push a large number of commits, and I think   'git commit --amend' only works on the most recent commit. 

Right, it only works on the most recent one. If you want to amend multiple commits you can do an interactive rebase.

For example `git rebase -i HEAD~2` to amend the last 2 commits.

It'll open an editor with a list of commits. For the ones that need editing, change "pick" to "edit", and then save and exit. It'll drop you back to the shell, and then for each commit you can do `git commit --amend` and then `git rebase --continue`

Edwin Kempin

Aug 8, 2012, 6:43:51 AM8/8/12
to Pete Fotheringham,,, Shawn Pearce, Marcus D. Hanwell

2012/8/8 Pete Fotheringham <>

On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 10:33:03 AM UTC+1, David Pursehouse wrote:
> remote: ERROR: missing Change-Id in commit message

Try `git commit --amend` and add the Change-Id line at the bottom of the commit message:

Change-Id: Id5ac8ce68680ebedbf42f8212e4f1aea6c217af8

David Pursehouse
Configuration Manager
Sony Mobile Communications Japan, Inc.

Thanks David - I'm trying to push a large number of commits, and I think   'git commit --amend' only works on the most recent commit. 
Install the commit-msg hook [1] that generates Change-Id's into the commit message and then make an (interactive) rebase
of your commits to get the commits rewritten.


Anyway I'm hoping that Marcus will be able to pick up the changes from the commiots Diego made last August.


Bailey, Darragh

Aug 8, 2012, 6:47:29 AM8/8/12
to Pursehouse, David, Pete Fotheringham,,, Shawn Pearce, Marcus D. Hanwell
On 08/08/12 11:43, Pursehouse, David wrote:
>> I'm trying to push a large number of commits, and I think 'git commit --amend' only works on the most recent commit.
> Right, it only works on the most recent one. If you want to amend multiple commits you can do an interactive rebase.
> For example `git rebase -i HEAD~2` to amend the last 2 commits.
> It'll open an editor with a list of commits. For the ones that need editing, change "pick" to "edit", and then save and exit. It'll drop you back to the shell, and then for each commit you can do `git commit --amend` and then `git rebase --continue`

If you use 'reword' instead of 'edit', you should find it a bit quicker.

Darragh Bailey

Chris Harris

Aug 8, 2012, 3:23:36 PM8/8/12
to Pete Fotheringham,, Marcus D. Hanwell
Hi Pete, 

A while ago we rebased Deigo changes and our changes on 2.2.2-rc0 ( see attached email below ) I have pushed the following branch that contains only Deigo's changes you should be able to push this directly to gerrit.



On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Chris Harris <> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 4:45 pm, Diego Celix <> wrote:
>> I've just published yesterday, in the previous thread, that I've
>> finished reordering the commits of the Topic Review functionallity.
>> Now it is cleaner and you may be interested in rebasing your work
>> against it, because It will remain unchanged until the review process
>> is able to be started. The code is hosted in
>> in the topic_reviews branch.
> We have rebased our topic review changes on your latest branch. It can
> be found here for those interested:

Just to add that I have rebased our topic cleanly onto the v2.2.2-rc0
tag Martin/Shawn recently created/pushed. It is available here,

Note that we found some of the SHA's differed in the original topic
review branch from Diego, but we now just have the original topic from
Diego plus our changes in an ordered topic. I have also upgraded our
test server if you want to see this all running.

I would love to start the process of getting some of these patches
merged/reviewed. We have been testing this functionality quite a bit,
and are about ready to upgrade our main production server as we need
this for several active projects.



Marcus D. Hanwell

Aug 8, 2012, 4:48:28 PM8/8/12
to Chris Harris, Pete Fotheringham,

Chris and I are interested in ensuring that these changes become
available to the community, so please let us know if we can do more.
Please note that the original topic Diego pushed to Github had commits
that he rebased that were not part of his topic (I assume
accidentally), and that is what was preventing you from pushing to

To the best of our knowledge the branch Chris referenced contains only
the Codethink changes, and is what much of our work is based upon.
There are some conflicts we need to work through to get it rebased
onto the tip of master, so we left it based on a fairly old Gerrit for
now in order to keep things simple.

We do have some time to get this rebased onto master, and working with
the latest changes but are now dealing with schema changes from both
the topic support work and Gerrit, so it may take us a little longer
to get that resolved. The review server is now at and has several additional patches
to fix/enhance the topic support.



Pete Fotheringham

Aug 9, 2012, 4:13:25 AM8/9/12
to, Pete Fotheringham, Marcus D. Hanwell
Hi Chris 

We're making progress - here';s what happened
> pete@:~$ git clone git://
> Cloning into gerrit...
> remote: Counting objects: 55797, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13278/13278), done.
> remote: Total 55797 (delta 30193), reused 55187 (delta 29583)
> Receiving objects: 100% (55797/55797), 12.19 MiB | 1.17 MiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (30193/30193), done.
> pete@:~$ cd gerrit/
> pete@:gerrit$ git checkout codethink_changes
> Branch codethink_changes set up to track remote branch codethink_changes from origin.
> Switched to a new branch 'codethink_changes'
> pete@:gerrit$ git push HEAD:refs/for/master/TopicReviews
> Username: 
> Password: 
> Counting objects: 15897, done.
> Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
> Compressing objects: 100% (3785/3785), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (15363/15363), 2.38 MiB | 95 KiB/s, done.
> Total 15363 (delta 7582), reused 14976 (delta 7289)
> remote: Receiving objects: 100% (15363/15363)
> remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7582/7582)
> remote: Replicating objects... done.
> remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done    
> remote: 
> remote: ERROR:  In commit d11a854991ec2b3dad81fb739e54fdf3953915fc
> remote: ERROR:  committer email address
> remote: ERROR:  does not match your user account.
> remote: ERROR:
> remote: ERROR:  The following addresses are currently registered:
> remote: ERROR:
> remote: ERROR:
> remote: ERROR:
> remote: ERROR:  To register an email address, please visit:
> remote: 
> remote: 
> remote:  ! [rejected] refs/for/master/TopicReviews (invalid committer)

I think there are two possible ways forward:
1: I do some git magic to convince gerrit the I or Diego am the 'commiter' - I have no idea what the necessary spells might be.
2: I register (temporarily) the address in my gerrit user account. I can see why you and Marcus may not want to do this



Pursehouse, David

Aug 9, 2012, 4:28:54 AM8/9/12
to Pete Fotheringham,, Marcus D. Hanwell
> remote:  ! [rejected] refs/for/master/TopicReviews (invalid committer)

You need the +2 Forge Committer access right [1] to be able to upload changes that were committed by someone else.

Otherwise, what also might work is if you do an interactive rebase and amend them all so the committer changes to your email address.


Pete Fotheringham

Aug 9, 2012, 4:40:16 AM8/9/12
to, Pete Fotheringham, Marcus D. Hanwell
Thanks - David - I'll see if I can get temporary Forge Committer access rights

Pete Fotheringham

Aug 9, 2012, 5:42:25 AM8/9/12
to, Pete Fotheringham, Marcus D. Hanwell
I have now been able to push these changes - thanks to all of you for your help

The changes can be seen at

The necessary magic to get round the 'Invalid committer' error was
> export upstream_tip=80f3cea612c00348514079260d6415f45cf27563
> git filter-branch --env-filter 'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="Pete Fotheringham";GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="";export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL' $upstream_tip..HEAD 

Please let me know of there is anything els I can do to help get these changes upstreamed?

Thanks again


Magnus Bäck

Aug 9, 2012, 9:06:56 AM8/9/12
On Thursday, August 09, 2012 at 05:42 EDT,
Pete Fotheringham <> wrote:

> I have now been able to push these changes - thanks to all of you for
> your help
> The changes can be seen at
> >,n,z


> Please let me know of there is anything els I can do to help get these
> changes upstreamed?

Rebase them so that they're reasonably current? The first commit in the
series in based on a commit from late 2011. Until that has been done I
don't think anyone will spend much time on your changes.

Magnus Bäck

Pete Fotheringham

Aug 9, 2012, 9:28:42 AM8/9/12
On Thursday, 9 August 2012 14:06:56 UTC+1, Magnus Bäck wrote:

Rebase them so that they're reasonably current? The first commit in the
series in based on a commit from late 2011. Until that has been done I
don't think anyone will spend much time on your changes.

Magnus Bäck
Thanks, but Chris and Marcus have already offered to take these forward once we were abel to submit our original changes.



Magnus Bäck

Aug 9, 2012, 9:39:59 AM8/9/12
On Thursday, August 09, 2012 at 09:28 EDT,
Pete Fotheringham <> wrote:

> On Thursday, 9 August 2012 14:06:56 UTC+1, Magnus Bäck wrote:
> > Rebase them so that they're reasonably current? The first commit in
> > the series in based on a commit from late 2011. Until that has been
> > done I don't think anyone will spend much time on your changes.
> Thanks, but Chris and Marcus have already offered to take these
> forward once we were abel to submit our original changes.

Yes, I had forgotten about the volunteers. Sorry.

Magnus Bäck

Pete Fotheringham

Aug 9, 2012, 9:47:56 AM8/9/12
No problem :) 

Deniz Türkoglu

Sep 13, 2012, 8:53:15 AM9/13/12
to Pete Fotheringham, Repo and Gerrit Discussion, Marcus D. Hanwell,
What's the status on this one?
@Chris, @Marcus, we are also very interested in this to become a part
of gerrit, so I would like to help you go forward with it, be it
reviews or code contribution.


> Regards
> Pete

Chris Harris

Sep 13, 2012, 9:01:58 AM9/13/12
to Deniz Türkoglu, Repo and Gerrit Discussion,, Pete Fotheringham

Hi Deniz,

The topic needs to be rebased on current master. We haven't had time to do this yet. If you fancy rebasing it that would be great, any help would be much appreciated.



Deniz Türkoglu

Sep 14, 2012, 8:56:27 AM9/14/12
to Chris Harris, Repo and Gerrit Discussion,, Pete Fotheringham
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Chris Harris <> wrote:
> Hi Deniz,
> The topic needs to be rebased on current master. We haven't had time to do
> this yet. If you fancy rebasing it that would be great, any help would be
> much appreciated.

Hi Chris,

I rebased the first 2 patch-sets, will continue next week :)


Chris Harris

Sep 14, 2012, 8:58:00 AM9/14/12
to Deniz Türkoglu, Repo and Gerrit Discussion,, Pete Fotheringham
Excellent, thanks very much! 

Have a great weekend.


Efabor Fabor

Jun 24, 2013, 8:39:11 AM6/24/13
Hi guys;

When this GREAT feature "Topic branch support" will make it to the mainline code of Gerrit ?


On Monday, July 30, 2012 12:42:53 PM UTC, Chris Harris wrote:
Kitware has been using the topic branch support developed for Nokia by codethink for VTK ( ) for several months now. We have fixed several issues and made some additions to the functionality. It was hoped that by now it would have made its way upstream but its seem that no one from codethink has the time to push forward with this. We have been spending time rebasing the functionality periodically but would really like to get away from maintain essentially a force of gerrit. We would like some advice from the community on how best to proceed. Topic branch support is needed for several of our project so we are very keen to get some form of topic branch support either based on codethinks work or another approach.
We saw that at the recent gerrit hackathon topic branch functionality was discussed can someone share anymore on this?
Can we start pushing the codethink changes for review? I think the contributor agreement disallows this? My feeling is there may be quite a lot of rework todo but we would try to help with this.
Are there others in the community using this functionality that could help an effort to upstream this?

Any advice/help gratefully recieved


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