[IMPORTANT] Issue tracker read-only due to issue tracker migration

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Edwin Kempin

Jun 14, 2023, 3:36:21 PM6/14/23
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

Dear Gerrit community,

As announced we are migrating to a new issue tracker. 

This migration is happening now:

  • Start at: Wednesday 9:00AM PDT / 6:00PM CEST

  • Expected end at: Wednesday 2:00PM PDT / 11:00PM CEST

During the time of the migration the Gerrit issue tracker is read-only.

If there is anything urgent, please reach out to us via the mailing list, discord or by email.

We'll let you know once the migration is done.

Edwin on behalf of the Gerrit Code Review team

Edwin Kempin

Jun 14, 2023, 8:43:10 PM6/14/23
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Dear Gerrit community,

The migration has been successful and the Gerrit issues are available in the new tracker at issues.gerritcodereview.com now:

Known Issues:
  • Uploading attachments is not working.
    Workaround: Change the issue URL from https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues/<issue-number> to https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/<issue-number>, then uploading attachments works (the former URL opens the issue in the Gerrit tracker which is scoped to Gerrit issues only, under the latter URL public issues from all Google projects are accessible).
  • Bulk adding issues to hotlist doesn't work yet (when it works, to avoid spamming issues, we will only allow it for Gerrit maintainers and trusted contributors).
  • The documentation about issues and issue triaging has not been updated yet. I'll work on this during the next days.

If you have questions or find issues, please let us know.

Huge thanks to the migration team that did all the work for us and made this migration so smooth!

Edwin Kempin

Jun 26, 2023, 8:22:12 AM6/26/23
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 10:43:10 PM UTC+2 Edwin Kempin wrote:
On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 5:36:21 PM UTC+2 Edwin Kempin wrote:

Dear Gerrit community,

As announced we are migrating to a new issue tracker. 

This migration is happening now:

  • Start at: Wednesday 9:00AM PDT / 6:00PM CEST

  • Expected end at: Wednesday 2:00PM PDT / 11:00PM CEST

During the time of the migration the Gerrit issue tracker is read-only.

If there is anything urgent, please reach out to us via the mailing list, discord or by email.

We'll let you know once the migration is done.

Edwin on behalf of the Gerrit Code Review team

Dear Gerrit community,

The migration has been successful and the Gerrit issues are available in the new tracker at issues.gerritcodereview.com now:

Known Issues:
This has been resolved and uploading attachments is working from the Gerrit tracker issue URL (https://issues.gerritcodereview.com/issues/<issue-number>)  now.

  • Bulk adding issues to hotlist doesn't work yet (when it works, to avoid spamming issues, we will only allow it for Gerrit maintainers and trusted contributors).
Still not resolved.
  • The documentation about issues and issue triaging has not been updated yet. I'll work on this during the next days.
This is mostly done now (changes).

Another issue that has been resolved is that maintainers and trusted contributors can now mark issues as spam (3-dot menu -> 'Mark as spam...').
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