How to delete a user account in Gerrit

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Mar 4, 2021, 12:12:18 PM3/4/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

Hello Team,

We are now in a catch 20 fix and have no way out ..................Request assictance.

Production Server Scenario:

User-A --> Account username : A
User-A --> Account email:

Now user-A had some issues and his username had to be changed.
The new account name in the Active LDAP directory is

User-A --> Account username : A1
User-A --> Account email:

Now when the user tries to login it with A1 account which is the new username it fails with the error the e-mail is is already associated to a different account.

I tried deleting the user-id/email/add email/edit email but nothing works.
I tried using the account plugin but that has also resulted in "Internal Server Error and has not helped fix the issue"

Is there a way to delete this account completely from Gerrit and create a new one???

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Luca Milanesio

Mar 4, 2021, 12:22:44 PM3/4/21
to, Luca Milanesio, Repo and Gerrit Discussion

On 4 Mar 2021, at 17:12, <> wrote:

Hello Team,

We are now in a catch 20 fix and have no way out ..................Request assictance.

Production Server Scenario:

User-A --> Account username : A
User-A --> Account email:

Now user-A had some issues and his username had to be changed.
The new account name in the Active LDAP directory is

User-A --> Account username : A1
User-A --> Account email:

Now when the user tries to login it with A1 account which is the new username it fails with the error the e-mail is is already associated to a different account.

Yeah, that’s not allowed in Gerrit at all: usernames are defined at sign-up and CANNOT be edited, otherwise you end up with this issue.
It happens also with other authentication systems, see [1] as another example.

I tried deleting the user-id/email/add email/edit email but nothing works.
I tried using the account plugin but that has also resulted in "Internal Server Error and has not helped fix the issue"

Also, in Gerrit, you cannot remove accounts.

The account plugin makes it “anonymous” and resolves the GDPR-related issues with the “right to be forgotten”.
It’s more a legal issue rather than a technical one.

Is there a way to delete this account completely from Gerrit and create a new one???

Depending on the release you have, the process will be different.

Which version of Gerrit are you running?


Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Mar 4, 2021, 12:33:35 PM3/4/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Hello Luca,

Which version of Gerrit are you running?
We are on Gerrit Version 3.0.11 --> We somehow need to get this fixed to avoid all possible escalations.

Kindly suggest how we can delete the user completely, so he can create a new account and then use it.

I tried the below link but instead of user details it simply gives me lot of directories and I'm not sure if it can even be deleted.

Thank you,

Luca Milanesio

Mar 4, 2021, 12:36:44 PM3/4/21
to, Luca Milanesio, Repo and Gerrit Discussion

On 4 Mar 2021, at 17:33, <> wrote:

Hello Luca,

Which version of Gerrit are you running?
We are on Gerrit Version 3.0.11 --> We somehow need to get this fixed to avoid all possible escalations.

Kindly suggest how we can delete the user completely, so he can create a new account and then use it.

I tried the below link but instead of user details it simply gives me lot of directories and I'm not sure if it can even be deleted.

I checked the instructions at ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and they look *almost* correct, apart from two things:

1. Don’t clone All-Users.git from Gerrit’s endpoint: just clone the bare repo on the server
2. After the push, you need to shutdown Gerrit, perform an offline reindex of the accounts and then restart Gerrit

With the two above changes it will work :-)


Matthias Sohn

Mar 4, 2021, 12:40:04 PM3/4/21
to Luca Milanesio,, Repo and Gerrit Discussion
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 6:22 PM Luca Milanesio <> wrote:

On 4 Mar 2021, at 17:12, <> wrote:

Hello Team,

We are now in a catch 20 fix and have no way out ..................Request assictance.

Production Server Scenario:

User-A --> Account username : A
User-A --> Account email:

Now user-A had some issues and his username had to be changed.
The new account name in the Active LDAP directory is

User-A --> Account username : A1
User-A --> Account email:

Now when the user tries to login it with A1 account which is the new username it fails with the error the e-mail is is already associated to a different account.

try to first set account A to inactive [1] in Gerrit then A1 should be able to use the email address 

ssh -p <port> <host> gerrit set-account --inactive A

Mar 4, 2021, 12:46:02 PM3/4/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Hello Matthias, I will test that and update you.

@Luca, could you please provide an example for --> 1. Don’t clone All-Users.git from Gerrit’s endpoint: just clone the bare repo on the server
I'm a little confused now on the bare repo that needs to be cloned.

Thank you,

Luca Milanesio

Mar 4, 2021, 4:14:33 PM3/4/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion, Luca Milanesio

On 4 Mar 2021, at 17:46, <> wrote:

Hello Matthias, I will test that and update you.

@Luca, could you please provide an example for --> 1. Don’t clone All-Users.git from Gerrit’s endpoint: just clone the bare repo on the server
I'm a little confused now on the bare repo that needs to be cloned.

You SSH into the gerrit server and clone using the full path of the All-Users.git repository on the server.



$ cd /tmp
$ git  clone /var/gerrit/git/All-Users.git
$ cd All-Users
$ git fetch origin refs/meta/external-ids
$ git checkout FETCH_HEAD

Thank you,

On Thursday, 4 March 2021 at 23:10:04 UTC+5:30 Matthias Sohn wrote:
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 6:22 PM Luca Milanesio <> wrote:

On 4 Mar 2021, at 17:12, <> wrote:

Hello Team,

We are now in a catch 20 fix and have no way out ..................Request assictance.

Production Server Scenario:

User-A --> Account username : A
User-A --> Account email:

Now user-A had some issues and his username had to be changed.
The new account name in the Active LDAP directory is

User-A --> Account username : A1
User-A --> Account email:

Now when the user tries to login it with A1 account which is the new username it fails with the error the e-mail is is already associated to a different account.

try to first set account A to inactive [1] in Gerrit then A1 should be able to use the email address 

ssh -p <port> <host> gerrit set-account --inactive A 

That won’t work, as the conflict with e-mails will continue to exist.

I just tried to create the ‘johndoe’ account with, then set it inactive, then edit its username on LDAP as ‘johndoe1’ and tried to login again … failed with:
gerrit_1      | [2021-03-04 21:10:11,699] [HTTP POST /login/%23%2Fq%2Fstatus%3Aopen (N/A from] WARN : 'johndoe1' failed to sign in
gerrit_1      | Email '' in use by another account

Having duplicates on the external ids for the e-mail is going to break a lot of assumptions in Gerrit :-(

It is better to just get rid of the old account, assuming that isn’t used anywhere:
- groups
- reviews
- CCs
- changes

Mar 8, 2021, 8:10:18 AM3/8/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

Hello Luca,

I followed the exact steps but when i grep for the user it is giving me a whole lot of directories and not the files i need to delete.

Steps followed and results. --> User that needs to be deleted is  plrkum4

git clone /data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/
Cloning into 'All-Users'...
Note: switching to '2199d89d504f9593124b503344342951bf258c79'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

[gerrit@awsmblx108 Users_allprojects]$ ls
[gerrit@awsmblx108 Users_allprojects]$ cd All-Users/
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ ls
groups  project.config
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ git fetch origin refs/meta/external-ids
From /data/gerrit/git/All-Users
 * branch                refs/meta/external-ids -> FETCH_HEAD
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
Warning: you are leaving 9 commits behind, not connected to
any of your branches:

  2199d89d5 Modify access rules
  e9c10c45a Modify access rules
  e405eb3c6 Modify access rules
  ba2c2fbdf Updated project configuration
 ... and 5 more.

If you want to keep them by creating a new branch, this may be a good time
to do so with:

 git branch <new-branch-name> 2199d89d5

HEAD is now at 872a008a1 Set HTTP Password via API
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ grep plrkum4 *
grep: 00: Is a directory
grep: 01: Is a directory
grep: 02: Is a directory
grep: 03: Is a directory
grep: 04: Is a directory
grep: 05: Is a directory
grep: 06: Is a directory
grep: 07: Is a directory
grep: 08: Is a directory
grep: 09: Is a directory
grep: 0a: Is a directory
grep: 0b: Is a directory
grep: 0c: Is a directory
grep: 0d: Is a directory
grep: 0e: Is a directory
grep: 0f: Is a directory
grep: 10: Is a directory
grep: 11: Is a directory
grep: 12: Is a directory
grep: 13: Is a directory
grep: 14: Is a directory
grep: 15: Is a directory
grep: 16: Is a directory
grep: 17: Is a directory
grep: 18: Is a directory
grep: 19: Is a directory
grep: 1a: Is a directory
grep: 1b: Is a directory
grep: 1c: Is a directory
grep: 1d: Is a directory
grep: 1e: Is a directory
grep: 1f: Is a directory
grep: 20: Is a directory
grep: 21: Is a directory
grep: 22: Is a directory
grep: 23: Is a directory
grep: 24: Is a directory
grep: 25: Is a directory
grep: 26: Is a directory
grep: 27: Is a directory
grep: 28: Is a directory
grep: 29: Is a directory
grep: 2a: Is a directory
grep: 2b: Is a directory
grep: 2c: Is a directory
grep: 2d: Is a directory
grep: 2e: Is a directory
grep: 2f: Is a directory
grep: 30: Is a directory
grep: 31: Is a directory
grep: 32: Is a directory
grep: 33: Is a directory
grep: 34: Is a directory
grep: 35: Is a directory
grep: 36: Is a directory
grep: 37: Is a directory
grep: 38: Is a directory
grep: 39: Is a directory
grep: 3a: Is a directory
grep: 3b: Is a directory
grep: 3c: Is a directory
grep: 3d: Is a directory
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grep: 3f: Is a directory
grep: 40: Is a directory
grep: 41: Is a directory
grep: 42: Is a directory
grep: 43: Is a directory
grep: 44: Is a directory
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grep: 46: Is a directory
grep: 47: Is a directory
grep: 48: Is a directory
grep: 49: Is a directory
grep: 4a: Is a directory
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grep: 4d: Is a directory
grep: 4e: Is a directory
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grep: 51: Is a directory
grep: 52: Is a directory
grep: 53: Is a directory
grep: 54: Is a directory
grep: 55: Is a directory
grep: 56: Is a directory
grep: 57: Is a directory
grep: 58: Is a directory
grep: 59: Is a directory
grep: 5a: Is a directory
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grep: 63: Is a directory
grep: 64: Is a directory
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grep: 77: Is a directory
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grep: 80: Is a directory
grep: 81: Is a directory
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grep: 88: Is a directory
grep: 89: Is a directory
grep: 8a: Is a directory
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grep: 90: Is a directory
grep: 91: Is a directory
grep: 92: Is a directory
grep: 93: Is a directory
grep: 94: Is a directory
grep: 95: Is a directory
grep: 96: Is a directory
grep: 97: Is a directory
grep: 98: Is a directory
grep: 99: Is a directory
grep: 9a: Is a directory
grep: 9b: Is a directory
grep: 9c: Is a directory
grep: 9d: Is a directory
grep: 9e: Is a directory
grep: 9f: Is a directory
grep: a0: Is a directory
grep: a1: Is a directory
grep: a2: Is a directory
grep: a3: Is a directory
grep: a4: Is a directory
grep: a5: Is a directory
grep: a6: Is a directory
grep: a7: Is a directory
grep: a8: Is a directory
grep: a9: Is a directory
grep: aa: Is a directory
grep: ab: Is a directory
grep: ac: Is a directory
grep: ad: Is a directory
grep: ae: Is a directory
grep: af: Is a directory
grep: b0: Is a directory
grep: b1: Is a directory
grep: b2: Is a directory
grep: b3: Is a directory
grep: b4: Is a directory
grep: b5: Is a directory
grep: b6: Is a directory
grep: b7: Is a directory
grep: b8: Is a directory
grep: b9: Is a directory
grep: ba: Is a directory
grep: bb: Is a directory
grep: bc: Is a directory
grep: bd: Is a directory
grep: be: Is a directory
grep: bf: Is a directory
grep: c0: Is a directory
grep: c1: Is a directory
grep: c2: Is a directory
grep: c3: Is a directory
grep: c4: Is a directory
grep: c5: Is a directory
grep: c6: Is a directory
grep: c7: Is a directory
grep: c8: Is a directory
grep: c9: Is a directory
grep: ca: Is a directory
grep: cb: Is a directory
grep: cc: Is a directory
grep: cd: Is a directory
grep: ce: Is a directory
grep: cf: Is a directory
grep: d0: Is a directory
grep: d1: Is a directory
grep: d2: Is a directory
grep: d3: Is a directory
grep: d4: Is a directory
grep: d5: Is a directory
grep: d6: Is a directory
grep: d7: Is a directory
grep: d8: Is a directory
grep: d9: Is a directory
grep: da: Is a directory
grep: db: Is a directory
grep: dc: Is a directory
grep: dd: Is a directory
grep: de: Is a directory
grep: df: Is a directory
grep: e0: Is a directory
grep: e1: Is a directory
grep: e2: Is a directory
grep: e3: Is a directory
grep: e4: Is a directory
grep: e5: Is a directory
grep: e6: Is a directory
grep: e7: Is a directory
grep: e8: Is a directory
grep: e9: Is a directory
grep: ea: Is a directory
grep: eb: Is a directory
grep: ec: Is a directory
grep: ed: Is a directory
grep: ee: Is a directory
grep: ef: Is a directory
grep: f0: Is a directory
grep: f1: Is a directory
grep: f2: Is a directory
grep: f3: Is a directory
grep: f4: Is a directory
grep: f5: Is a directory
grep: f6: Is a directory
grep: f7: Is a directory
grep: f8: Is a directory
grep: f9: Is a directory
grep: fa: Is a directory
grep: fb: Is a directory
grep: fc: Is a directory
grep: fd: Is a directory
grep: fe: Is a directory
grep: ff: Is a directory

Could you please let me know if there is anything executed incorrectly or if i have messed it up.

Thank you,

Luca Milanesio

Mar 8, 2021, 8:12:05 AM3/8/21
to, Luca Milanesio, Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Try with:
$ git grep plrkum4


> To view this discussion on the web visit

Mar 8, 2021, 8:54:50 AM3/8/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion

Thank you, Luca, That works perfectly and I'm able to query for the user.

git grep plrkum4 *
95/b68a7e420aac6ffcfb2d309b98ef38b306dce0:[externalId "gerrit: plrkum4 "]
d1/6d5f79739e4defee06f977216a2b73dbc0cd4f:[externalId "username: plrkum4 "]

Did a git rm for User plrkum4

Now when i push the --> git push --force origin HEAD:refs/meta/external-ids,

It fails with the below error.

remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: External ID 'gerrit:Pkoley' belongs to account that doesn't exist: 1005568
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: External ID 'gerrit:Aprasad' belongs to account that doesn't exist: 1002496
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:EMah', 'gerrit:emah'
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:KuaWang', 'gerrit:kuawang'
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:EDong', 'gerrit:edong2'
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:NJain3', 'gerrit:njain3'
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:ZWang3', 'gerrit:ZWang4'
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:Junpark', 'gerrit:jopark'
remote: ERROR: commit 01833d2: Email '' is not unique, it's used by the following external IDs: 'gerrit:STang3', 'gerrit:Stang2'
To ssh://
 ! [remote rejected]     HEAD -> refs/meta/external-ids (commit 01833d2: invalid external IDs)

Does it mean, I need to delete all these accounts aswell.
As of now I'm not sure if these accounts still exist.

Thank you,

Luca Milanesio

Mar 8, 2021, 8:59:15 AM3/8/21
to, Luca Milanesio, Repo and Gerrit Discussion

On 8 Mar 2021, at 13:54, <> wrote:

Thank you, Luca, That works perfectly and I'm able to query for the user.

git grep plrkum4 *
95/b68a7e420aac6ffcfb2d309b98ef38b306dce0:[externalId "gerrit: plrkum4 "]
d1/6d5f79739e4defee06f977216a2b73dbc0cd4f:[externalId "username: plrkum4 "]

Did a git rm for User plrkum4

Now when i push the --> git push --force origin HEAD:refs/meta/external-ids,

The exact steps were saying that you need to close form the server’s bare repo:

> git clone /data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/ 
> Cloning into 'All-Users'... 
> done. 
> Note: switching to '2199d89d504f9593124b503344342951bf258c79’ 

How comes that you have this ‘remote’ errors? It looks like the other end is Gerrit and not a filesystem, isn’t it?
When you manipulate the ids in All-Users.git, Gerrit needs to be down, you need to pull/push using the bare repo, and after all the operations are done you need to perform an off-line indexing.



Mar 8, 2021, 11:59:20 AM3/8/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Hello Luca,

Re-doing each step at a time but still fails:

[a1@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ sudo su -
Last login: Mon Mar  8 12:41:02 UTC 2021 on pts/1
[root@awsmblx108 ~]# su - gerrit
Last login: Mon Mar  8 09:54:20 UTC 2021 on pts/0
[gerrit@awsmblx108 ~]$ cd /data/gerrit/bin
[gerrit@awsmblx108 bin]$ ./ stop
Stopping Gerrit Code Review: OK
[gerrit@awsmblx108 bin]$

[gerrit@awsmblx108 Users_allprojects]$ git clone /data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ git grep plrkum4 *

95/b68a7e420aac6ffcfb2d309b98ef38b306dce0:[externalId "gerrit:plrkum4"]
d1/6d5f79739e4defee06f977216a2b73dbc0cd4f:[externalId "username:plrkum4"]
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ git rm 95/b68a7e420aac6ffcfb2d309b98ef38b306dce0 d1/6d5f79739e4defee06f977216a2b73dbc0cd4f
rm '95/b68a7e420aac6ffcfb2d309b98ef38b306dce0'
rm 'd1/6d5f79739e4defee06f977216a2b73dbc0cd4f'
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ git commit -m "Remove account plrkum4"
[detached HEAD 0cfa0cb9d] Remove account plrkum4
 2 files changed, 5 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 95/b68a7e420aac6ffcfb2d309b98ef38b306dce0
 delete mode 100644 d1/6d5f79739e4defee06f977216a2b73dbc0cd4f
[gerrit@awsmblx108 All-Users]$ git push origin HEAD:refs/meta/external-ids
Enumerating objects: 2, done.
Counting objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 6.09 KiB | 6.09 MiB/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
error: remote unpack failed: unable to create temporary object directory
To /data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/
 ! [remote rejected]     HEAD -> refs/meta/external-ids (unpacker error)
error: failed to push some refs to '/data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/'


Please let me know if a re-index needs to be done before the push?? or if i have missed out anywhere.

Thank you,

Luca Milanesio

Mar 8, 2021, 12:02:21 PM3/8/21
to, Luca Milanesio, Repo and Gerrit Discussion

> On 8 Mar 2021, at 16:59, <> wrote:
> Hello Luca,
Do you have permissions to create directories on the filesystem of the bare repository?

> To /data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/
> ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/meta/external-ids (unpacker error)
> error: failed to push some refs to '/data/gerrit/git/All-Users.git/'

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You see that the error is different now :-)

Are you sure you are always repeating the exact steps?
In the previous attempt is looked like Gerrit was still active and you cloned from it rather than cloning the bare repo.

Try again, making sure that your user has the correct access permissions at filesystem level.


> To view this discussion on the web visit

Mar 8, 2021, 12:33:37 PM3/8/21
to Repo and Gerrit Discussion
Hello Luca,

I tried it with the Actual Gerrit User with proper file permissions and it worked well.
A reindex of account is also working as expected.

Thank you for all the help. :-)

Best Reards,
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