Summary: Gerrit Hackathon at SAP 2016

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Saša Živkov

Sep 27, 2016, 11:12:39 AM9/27/16
Last week, from 19th until 23rd of September, there was a five days
Gerrit Hackathon at SAP in Walldorf.
The following people took part: Christian Halstrick, Dariusz Luksza,
Dave Borowitz, David Ostrovsky, David Pursehouse, Edwin Kempin,
Gustaf Lundh, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Hugo Arès, Jacek Centkowski,
Khai Do Khai, Matthias Sohn, Michael Ochmann, Patrick Hiesel,
Saša Živkov and Sven Selberg

I would like to thank to all 16 participants for their dedication and work!
It was also a great opportunity to get to know each other.

We put a hashtag "sap16" on all changes created or worked on during
the hackathon to make it easy to track [1] what's going on during the hackathon
and to also make it easier to write this summary :-)

Here is a detailed list of topics we worked on:
* Change Assignee workflow.
Introduce a new field on change: Assignee.
By definition, the assignee is responsible for a next step with that change (review, rebase, etc..)
The idea behind this new feature is to better handle scenarios where there are multiple reviewers
assigned on a change but no one feels responsible to take the next step.

* Change (re)indexing performance
For large Gerrit sites it could take a significant amount of time to reindex changes after an index schema
upgrade. Most of the time, however, reindexing computes diff in order to find
the list of changed files and size of the change. To address this issue we introduced
a new persistent cache: diff_summary. The purpose of this cache is to store everything
that is needed for change (re)indexing so that it doesn't need to be (re)computed again.

* ElasticSearch integration
Possibility to use ElasticSearch service instead of the embedded Lucene index.
There are still some TODOs like index schema upgrade and reindexing.

* New releases:
- JGit 4.5 released
- Gerrit 2.13 and 2.13.1 released
- Gerrit 2.12.5 released

* Code search UI in gitiles
The zoekt code-search [3] exposes a REST end point for performing queries
on indexed source code. Gitiles exposes UI for code-search [4] and utilizes the REST
end point from zoekt.

* Recommender for Reviewer Suggestion
Provide a recommender for suggesting change reviewer(s) [5].
Also provide an extension point so that plugin can provide own recommenders
for reviewer suggestion.

* Robot comments [6]: provide native support in Gerrit for Robot comments.
Some refactorings done during the hackathon and a first change uploaded yesterday [2]

* Switched to Java 8:
how utilizing streams and lambda functions can reduce some boilerplate code.

* Merge Commit review: for merge commits add a new magic file /MERGE_LIST
which provides a list of all commits merged into the target branch via this merge.
It is possiblet o post comments on the /MERGE_LIST.

* Polygerrit UI switch
Add a possibility to switch between the GWT and PolyGerrit UI from the UI itself.

* JGit: implemented built-in clean and smudge filters to support LFS protocol.
The smudge filter is not yet fully finished as it currently cannot download missing large object(s).

* delete-project plugin: fix project (re)creation after its deletion, the fix is actually done in JGit
and is included in JGit 4.5 release.

* WIP: integrating JGit Ketch into Gerrit

* Build:
- Bazel build for many plugins
- Basel build for GWT UI
- Work in progress Bazel build for PolyGerrit
- Upgrade GWT to 2.8-rc2
- Upgrade Buck to the latest version

Sep 27, 2016, 1:46:52 PM9/27/16
to Saša Živkov,
Well done mates, a lot of outstanding achievements !


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Sébastien Douche

Sep 27, 2016, 5:31:36 PM9/27/16
On Tue, Sep 27, 2016, at 17:11, Saša Živkov wrote:
> I would like to thank to all 16 participants for their dedication and
> work!

Well done!

Sébastien Douche <>
Twitter: @sdouche

Martin Fick

Sep 27, 2016, 6:47:55 PM9/27/16
to, Saša Živkov
Awesome! Really neat stuff,


On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 05:11:54 PM Saša Živkov
The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code
Aurora Forum, hosted by The Linux Foundation

Edwin Kempin

Sep 28, 2016, 11:52:45 AM9/28/16
to Martin Fick, Repo and Gerrit Discussion, Saša Živkov
Thanks a lot for being a great host for the hackathon!
It was great to see you all!

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