* Provides an interface for tapping a GameObject on the screen. Tapping the
* object will register a "true" value on the provided channel.
public class TappableComponent extends GameComponent
private ChannelSystem.Channel mChannel;
private ChannelSystem.ChannelBooleanValue mChannelValue;
public TappableComponent()
this.mChannelValue = new ChannelSystem.ChannelBooleanValue();
public void reset()
this.mChannel = null;
this.mChannelValue.value = false;
public void update(float timeDelta, BaseObject parent)
InputSystem inputSystem = sSystemRegistry.inputSystem;
final CameraSystem camera = sSystemRegistry.cameraSystem;
ContextParameters context = sSystemRegistry.contextParameters;
float cameraOriginX = 0.0f;
float cameraOriginY = 0.0f;
if (camera != null)
cameraOriginX = camera.getFocusPositionX() - (context.gameWidth / 2.0f);
cameraOriginY = camera.getFocusPositionY() - (context.gameHeight / 2.0f);
final InputTouchScreen inputTouchScreen = inputSystem.getTouchScreen();
GameObject parentObject = (GameObject) parent;
float parentCameraXOffset = parentObject.getPosition().x - cameraOriginX;
float parentCameraYOffset = parentObject.getPosition().y - cameraOriginY;
final InputXY inputXY = inputTouchScreen.findPointerInRegion(parentCameraXOffset, parentCameraYOffset, parentObject.width, parentObject.height);
if (inputXY != null)
this.mChannelValue.value = true;
this.mChannelValue.value = false;
if (this.mChannel != null)
this.mChannel.value = mChannelValue;
public void setChannel(ChannelSystem.Channel channel)
this.mChannel = channel;
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