boosting clarity of TX from Repeaterphone

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Patrick Perdue

Jan 18, 2024, 10:38:00 AMJan 18
to repeaterphone-users

One thing that occurs after listening to Repeaterphone users for quite a
while is that their TX audio is often muffled compared to those using
radios, even with good microphone placement and technique. This is less
apparent when using a radio-less node, or even sometimes a personal node
via RF.

Experimenting with various things over the years, I found that using a
flat source as an input to Allstarlink isn't really the greatest way to
go about things, and applying just a few DB of gain in certain
frequencies helps tremendously to get your audio out of the mud,
especially on RF.

Just as an example, I have a setup that currently boosts the frequencies
around 2500 Hz by 3Db given a flat, wide source.

Since Repeaterphone is already using an EQ as basically a gain slider,
as iOS doesn't allow changing of microphone gain since the iPhone 6S and
the original iPhone SE, I propose adding an option to add a fixed,
non-changeable boost somewhere in the mids between 2.5 and 3k to
increase intelligibility. Make it work both with and without iOS
processing enabled, and turn it on by default.

Since I am advocating for this feature, if desired, I would be glad to
help find an optimal sweet spot given the way iOS processing works, but
I think this would be a huge benefit



Weston Bustraan

Jan 18, 2024, 10:44:10 AMJan 18
to Patrick Perdue, repeaterphone-users
Yes, I do plan on attempting to add an EQ boost to the audio in the future. The hold up right now is that it's in the queue behind other projects. On the RepeaterPhone side of things, the top priority is to engineer an alternative to allstar-public authentication, since some node admins are blocking connections using this authentication type because it's perceived as being insecure.

- Wes W8WJB

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Patrick Perdue

Jan 18, 2024, 10:47:23 AMJan 18
to Weston Bustraan, repeaterphone-users

I'm sure that would require some cooperation with Allstarlink, but that would be good to see as well.

DVSM has the ability to register as a stand-alone node, but that probably won't work as things stand now given the background restrictions on iOS.

Weston Bustraan

Jan 18, 2024, 11:09:49 AMJan 18
to Patrick Perdue, repeaterphone-users
Yes, I've spoken with the AllStarLink group. The approach that we discussed is to register as a node, much in the same manner as DVSM, but in a block of node numbers set aside for mobile nodes like this. You won't be able to receive calls on this node number, because of the iOS background restrictions, but the authentication would be the same as other nodes; through a DNS record. This would also make it easier for node admins to manage connected nodes because, currently, it's difficult to ban IAX connections and many of the over-the-air commands expect the node to be entered via DTMF tones.

- Wes W8WJB
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