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May 18, 2018, 12:19:46 PM5/18/18
to Reno Linux Users Group

Hi hopefully I am responding to the Reno Linux Users Group, but have never joined a Google Group before and I am kind of new to all this stuff.  I just started up at linuxquestions.org and even found that to be a little difficult.  That being said, I hope that this message finds the right place as I am very interested in replying to the group as it seems things are currently looking kind of abysmal at this time.  I would very much, like to see that change.

I have much to say to everyone if you care to take a  listen.  I started out as a using Ubuntu as a destitute student in college needing a cheap computer to get my papers and research done and found that I could (for free!) download and install (very simply) a very capable and compatible operating system for an outdated computer hand-me-down. 

That was about ten years ago now and I have dual booted with it ever since.  Since then over the years I have found that as things improved and the creation of (I think it was Firefox or maybe chrome?) stable browser configurations were be coming available and  I was able to keep it on line streaming video content from you-tube and Netflix, ect much longer than windows.  As windows was constantly getting sick and or overheating and such.  And all this on-line media utility from a free and open source operating system?  I thought to myself I want in! 

I have made the decision to not only to leave windows, (or at least, put it in its own little box away from anything of importance since it seems to lurk around and hog resources and personal info in the name of convenience!), and and devote an increasing amount of my time learning as much as I can about Linux through Ubuntu.  So I have recently started putting together a server and plan on installing the LAMP stack server and develop my skills in server administration.  I would like to create a website helping people who want to learn about GNU/Linux and help seed free and open source software for the general public. 

I am a carpenter and do not wish to waste my precious time and physical abilities in that vacation for too much longer; I simply to not have the desire for it anymore, and have found myself drawn to Linux more and more reading about open source and being curious about bash as I have always used a bit of it for installation and configuration of client side stuff on my lap tops and desk towers.  It is my hope and deepest intention to change my life from that of physical toil to that of a supporting roll in server administration and system deployment, and if possible some day be a server administrator myself!

I have made a home for an old dell dimension desktop a friend of mine was foolishly getting ready to through in the garbage.  So I installed the light distro Lubuntu 16.04 LTS on it and have begun the process of layering server systems on top so I am working with cups now installing and reinstalling to get where I can understand its proper utilization in the order of operations in building a stack.  The next will be to place samba on top of that, but that will be after I have mastered cups. 

All this is difficult without a support system that has the patience interest in helping others.  It seems too often that I see that these forums require that you go find the answers on your own, and they are always saying that has been answered before with this or that question.  And that is all good and well as not to waste the time of the particular group of knowledgeable solid Linux users but..  From a simple users standpoint why was I brought here in the first place in answer to my particular query?  Should/could I have been lead somewhere else and is't that the job of the people running these sights, moderator?  

So it is that I find,  very impossible for a (newbie? I think that is the term they like to use for us) to find the pepper in the fly shit so to speak from what is available on-line without the guidance of some one who really cares about you doing things the right way the first time.  As we all know bad habits are hard to break and therefore it is not good for all these people who like myself am pretty good at mining the Internet for Linux tips to find good information and have a decent knowledge of things to know how and what is being said about Linux features to carry out said instructions or queries.  You all may know that just  the installation of a piece of software can be done at least two different ways; much like playing a chord on a guitar, and I will state again for any guitar players out there (which I am) BAD HABITS ARE HARD TO BREAK!  I am just beginning to learn bash and find that there are more ways to do one thing like view a file (which is a mainstay in sys admn) there are many different ways in bash to do this!  And I have found in discussion that you should know the proper way to use bash when it comes to file management, creation and the creation of you own executable scripts.

I could tell you about all the wasted time trying to lay out disk configurations with Ubuntu over the years until I realized letting the disk do it was always the best practice unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.  And I still find these poor souls who think because a blogger or self appointed superuser says that they should be doing this thing or that with the disk configuration when all the guy wants to do is work on his code.  Claiming that he needs to learn to disk configure himself so he can learn!  Ridiculous!  Let the young man get on with feeding himself and tell him to let the live disk do the work unless other stated concerns are founded in the otherwise! 

I ask why is there not more care and interest in all these wonderful people who are deciding to make the switch from the dark side not being given simple honest advice; where is the welcome mat?  Where are the Linux Mentors?  Where is the support system for me, for us, for those who with all there might are trying to discover the this wonderful thing called open source; quite possibly the greatest public trust known to humanity at this point and time.  I hope things do not fall into apathy as all pursuits to gain a living in the digital realm lead us astray from community.  Lest we forget all benefit from GNU/Linux and that is freedom from market populism and dominion!  I'd say everybody especially those who benefited and continue to benefit that it is a slippery slope into the madness and greed compulsive market trends define limits to what is free and an extremely broader penning of what belongs to the market of intellectual property.  It is obvious there is much to be said on the subject especially considering the issue of net neutrality.  But all that for another time over beers perhaps.  And at the end of the day it is good to have a few words of encouragement to keep things in perspective.

At any rate I have some good books that I can turn to but it would still be nice having a little bit of support from those that have the years of experience as administrators, computer repair, and business servers systems deploy, modems, PDAs, laptops ect, and how you may use or have used Linux for work and the way in which you utilize the resource.     

Can you guys help me with my bash? And exactly what is the proper way to configure cups from terminal? At least working from terminal until an appropriate point in the management strategy to go to the on-line tool (http://youserver:631)?  As I am sure at some point is probably the best practice after installation and set up.  But I do not feel that I can begin to study what it is to be a real Linux systems administrator until I can to the bulk of the work through the terminal.  I really don't care what I am doing as long as I am learning it in or from the terminal!

I have come to know that it is the terminal that actually does all the work for me.  So that is where I need to live.  I don't need to be spoon fed just the direct line of any given process e.g. do this first and if this is a problem look at this and so on.  The web sights can be a wealth of information, but, and here is the rub; it is so difficult to spend the hours to find the appropriate answer for the particular situation that I am in and I am in the particular situation of learning how to interact with the kernel and those applications and dependencies, libraries in a way that is appropriate for the solid administration of the system as a whole. 

I think this will all take years to master.  And I also think it would be really great to just meet some people who appreciate others with a deep interest in the fantastic resource we call Linux!  Bye for now and back to the the shell.   
                                              echo "Hello earthlings of Linux User Group of Reno, cheer up!"


Joan Leach

May 19, 2018, 8:34:57 PM5/19/18
to ren...@googlegroups.com
You seem more advanced than I, but perhaps this Google search can help:

Or paste/type the words yourself:  linux bash terminal cups 2016

I remember when Cups was more flexible before Apple took it over.

Joan in Reno

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May 20, 2018, 9:16:39 PM5/20/18
to Reno Linux Users Group
Probably not so much so I can barley bash let alone key very well.  I have just looked at it for a long time and as I have said I learned little ways to modify the installed os to make it more bearable like turning the touch pad off from the shell which if it were not for others to show me the ways then I would have been forced to remove the touch-pad all together! anyhow the Google search is interesting as to what it means in the long run will the big guys try to usurp all bash by adding a proprietary BS to it?  I hope not, but it sure would be nice to remove a lot of the crap that comes with an install of windows!

Did not know apple took it over(cups).  I have a hard time installing it (cups) without my client showing like 4-5 different copiers(when there is only one) and half of them have no home address!?  So until I can figure out what I am doing wrong my new server is just gonna sit there on the floor while I use the older one as the canary in the coal mine.  I get to a point in the installation where everything looks good and the client is saying that it is saying that is"waiting for the copier to become available" and it never does so I start poking around trying to do what i think is right and boom before I know it I have four copiers and one actually works but the set up is not anything that I think a proper administrator would want to see on his machine.  I know it has something to do with cups seeing the client as another server so it thinks thtat there is a copier there to share a remote or something!?  So I am still wondering what is it I am supposed to do at the point where it says  waiting for copier to become available?
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Ronald Webber

May 20, 2018, 11:24:41 PM5/20/18
to ren...@googlegroups.com
woe that is a lot of words...
Sorry to inform you but this group is basically DOA.  Very little activity here, and we have not gathered physically for many years.
that said...
the cups command lines are used to access config files.i.e "cupsd.conf".
i'm sure you already know this but you want to use lpadmin, lpoptions, etc.. to configure your printers through bash terms.
If you have any specific questions I will try to answer, but might not be much help..
BTW I would shy away from Ubuntu if you are building a  LAMP stack. (or just a stable desktop)

happy hacking....

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May 21, 2018, 1:41:27 AM5/21/18
to Reno Linux Users Group
Please tell me about your opinions on the LAMP stack and Ubuntu.  I do not use Ubuntu 16.04LTS but the lighter less app heavy Lubuntu 16.04LTS it it a small light desk and easy to add to.  This is the platform I want to use since all the kernels are the same now, it should be fine to put a server stack on top.  I have followed the Ubuntu docs to do a lot of the cups install so I am configuring cupsd.confg which I don't really understand, but I keep logs of what I do and then un-install and start over at least from cups.  I am thinking that cups should install it self but I guess it does it just requires manual configuring. 

So yes I do the configuring from the cupsd.conf  file and that was a little intimidated in nano.  But I did it and after restart  things were still in order so that was good.  I am still working on the current install and have gotten rid of all but two printers both work and are seen to be installed on the server so trying I'm trying to figure out what cups is seeing insofar as the two printers and where I am at falt?  It is better than the last install, so I am doing something right!

Thank you for the lpadmin and lpoptions commmands they are very useful I was able to find a simple list of options and there particular argument, -a, -p, -s, -v and the lp command along with stat ie lpstat helped out quite a bit thank you.  And as you can see I do not waste too much time using new bash commands as I am left with what I can sift form the Internet and that can be a long search as I often find a graphical answer when I am trying to use the command line so... Thanks.

I would really like to have you input on the whole LAMP stack Ubuntu thing so please let me know your thoughts.  And please don't think that I am on the other end judging whether or not you are of help as you are so just let me know your thoughts as I am working towards getting a fictional server up as soon as I can and am prepared to take what ever time is needed at this point to get things right on the smaller older machine before I start work on the new server.  I do not wnat to find myself installing something that is not going to work.  So please don't be afraid to give your criticisms as they are welcomed. 


L. V. Lammert

May 21, 2018, 9:14:30 AM5/21/18
to ren...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, 20 May 2018, Ronald Webber wrote:

> the cups command lines are used to access config files.i.e "cupsd.conf".
> i'm sure you already know this but you want to use lpadmin, lpoptions,
> etc.. to configure your printers through bash terms.
Much simpler - most distros setup a webUI by default::


It's a lot quicker, and pretty painless for most standard printers.


Roy Lindauer

Jul 5, 2018, 12:40:32 PM7/5/18
to Reno Linux Users Group
Hey there Shane. The group is pretty quiet these days.

I didn't have a mentor either. I had like one friend who used Linux, and I liked to tinker a bit, and so I would tinker and break things and get frustrated and go back to Mac or Windows, and then do it all over again. After 15 years I kinda know how to use Linux a little bit now :D I did not interact with the LUG at the time, I would post on tech forums for help.

I am the kind of person who learns from books first and then applying what I learned. I've read a handful of books when I was first getting into Linux like "Linux System Administration: Solve Real-life Linux Problems Quickly", "Managing Linux Systems with Webmin: System Administration and Module Development", a bunch of old "Learn RedHat" books. More recently I have read through the RHCSA/RHCE study guide. I guess it depends on what you are trying to do.

When it comes to CUPS I just never deal with it. Ubuntu is pretty good at auto configuring printers for me.

I use Ubuntu on my desktop, and CentOS on my servers.

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