Is the renjin-release project what we talked about yesterday (sure looks like it)?
I tried to build it. Maybe this is bit early but perhaps some of the feed-back is useful...
This is what i did:
Cloning the repository failed on the links to other repos (git 2.25.1 refused to honor them) so i tried this work around:
1. I cloned the renjin-gradle-plugin and created a symlink called gradle-plugin in renjin-release
2. Cloned the renjin-libstdcxx and made a symlink called libstdc++
3. created a symlink from renjin called renjin
cd tools && ./gradlew setupPackages
Works fine!
Tried to build
cd packages && ./gradlew cran:ada:test
But this failed:
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':cran:rpart:compileGimple'.
> Could not create task ':cran:rpart:make'.
> Could not create task of type 'MakeTask'.
> Could not get unknown property 'renjinHomeDir' for project ':cran:rpart' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
I edited packages/gradle.properties and added renjinHomeDir pointing to the renjin repo
I also the gccBridgePlugin value must also be changed. It seems to point to the gcc-bridge in the renjin repo but there is no bridge.so there so I guess this is meant to point to the libstc++ project?
When trying to build the libstdc++ process i realized that it needs gcc 4.7 so I need to set up a vagrant thing to be able to build that similar to what we do when building renjin. This is where i am at right now...