I am happy to announce version 1.2 or Ride, An integrated development environment for Renjin R.
### 1.2 Final
- Add maven build support
- Run maven commands from within Ride (requires maven to be installed)
- Add a maven classloader that uses the dependencies in the pom to build the classpath
- Lookup button when working with a pom.xml
- It is a package browser to easily find the latest version of an artifact
- Opens a Browser to maven central or
packages.renjin.org if the artifact lookup comes back empty
- Add git support
- Most commonly used actions supported (add, commit, pull, push, status etc. etc.)
- Make git integration optional (configurable)
- Wizards
- Create package wizard to give a good starting point for creating packages
- Create project wizard to give a good starting point for creating projects
- add ability to create a basic pom.xml in "any" directory
- Additional file support
- Add support for markdown
- Add support for java files
- Test and make adjustments so it also works in Java 11 (with bundled javafx)
- Bump dependency versions, notably rideutils which now
- Startup scripts etc.
- Add windows executable (experimental)
- Removed the maven based execution to make things simpler
- Removed ant based startup and just rely on scripts
- Add support for env customizations (
env.sh/env.cmd called from start scripts if it exists)
- Many small fixes e.g.
- recognize global assignment operators (<<-, ->>)
- Enhanced connection functionality (auto save, jdbc url wizard)
- If the previous working dir has been removed we no longer move to parent as that might take forever to parse, instead we just do not initialize the file tree.
- Add styling to dialogs
- Preserve indentation on next line
- Add target/classes and target/test.classes to classpath to classic classloader (adjustable in options)
- Only insert right side of brackets if we are on the end of the line (feels more intuitive this way).