Announcement: Ride ver 1.2.3 released

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Apr 23, 2021, 4:24:34 PM4/23/21
to Renjin
I am happy to inform you that I just released a new version of Ride, an IDE for Renjin R development. About half of the release pertains to added support for Munin (a Spring Boot and Renjin based reports server) and the other half was mainly minor feature enhancements and a few bug fixes. 

RIde can be downloaded from github here:

Below is the list of the major things changed:

- Treat rmd like a md file
- Support Munin mdr files
- View button that renders the mdr as html and shows it in the viewer.
- add highlight js styling for mdr files.
- Move the inout interface to Rideutils, add and implement viewer methods to maintain similarities with RStudio
- Remove Table and RdataTransformer and use the ones in renjin-client-data-utils instead.
- Format project wizard dialog
- Add base R functions to syntax highlighting and autocomplete,
- Use the same color for built-in functions as for keywords
- Add right click navigation menu for html views.
- Allow partial view of unmanaged munin reports
- View unmanaged report with bootstrap
- Add view source context menu for html views
- Switch to Tika parser for better file encoding detection.
- Removed the unfinished gradle support, supporting maven is enough.
- Upgrade r2jdbc version for improved mysql support
- Fix bug where headers was from the latest query when copying.
- bump dependency versions
- add title (basename of url) if not given when viewing an url and show the url as a tooltip on the tab title
- make git "status all" prettier

Best regards,

Daniel Slutsky

Apr 25, 2021, 2:46:46 AM4/25/21

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