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88 specialized hardrock

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Daniel McClain

Jun 16, 2012, 9:05:07 PM6/16/12
to Renaissanced Group
Hey folks. I've been watching all of your projects and pounding out a
couple of my own, but haven't posted anything here, probably due to my
own laziness.

Anyway, my pop asked me to craft him a bike. He lives in Phoenix Az
and needs a bike suitable for nice road conditions but also the
occasional desert trail. I immediately thought of a stump jumper or
rock hopper but only found this guy.

The wheels were a little off true and the rear hub (old arayas) had a
solid axle. I tended to the rims and overhauled the hubs today and
replaced the solid with a qr.

It'll get albatross bars, something like a dirt drop, velo orange
model 8 sprung saddle, schwalbe big apples, and a front rack with wald
basket. I'll post photos of the finished prod in a couple weeks.

Martin Moomaw

Jun 17, 2012, 8:46:33 PM6/17/12
to Daniel McClain, Renaissanced Group
I'm looking for one of those myself, at the moment


Jun 18, 2012, 8:28:13 PM6/18/12
These older mountain bikes make for great Xtracycle conversions.
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