I would not necessarily describe yours as a "mixte". The final Flickr
photo link that you sent; THAT is a mixte, with the straight, double
diagonal downtubes. The Velorbis is what I would describe as a "Dutch
style" ladies' frame. Your Craigslist find (congrats, nice deal)
judging from familiar details, appears to be an early 60s Sears/JC
Higgins Spaceliner. I have a similar boys version of this in my
collection (heavily modified). Amazing what a nice coat of paint can
do... just check the rust to make sure it hasn't compromised the
structure of the frame; otherwise go for it... Lots of inexpensive
accessories out there to dress this bike up and make it a real keeper.
Good luck, and please keep posting pictures of your progress!
On Feb 13, 4:54 pm, Stephan <> wrote:
> Hi everyone, saw a post on flickr that brought me to your grouphttp://
> I have 3 weeks to redo a bike.
> this is a mixte style frame right?
> I bought this bike and want to make it look more like this one: