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Gazelle Project Update

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Montclair BobbyB

Apr 17, 2011, 2:15:38 PM4/17/11
to "Renaissanced" Bicycle Group
Project Update: Decision time...The wheels have been long built, and
I NEED to get this done.

The big gorilla on this project has been the chaincase (i.e. oil bath,
sealed type). In converting from a single-speed Sachs Torpedo coaster
hub to a SA 3 speed, I knew I would no longer be able to use the rear
section of the case, and would probably need to make a mod or two to
accommodate the new drivetrain. I don't really need a sealed case, so
opening it to the elements is no big deal to me. I also REALLY love
the leaping gazelles on the front chain sprocket, and would like to
"unhide" them. Also, removing the rear wheel is tricky with the full
chaincase on. So I wanted to keep as much of the chaincase intact and
functioning, while simplifying access to the rear hub and removal of
the rear wheel.

While I was contemplating how to further modify the chaincase, I
ordered an aftermarket chainguard (from Civia Bikes) as a potential
plan B... It looked pretty classic, and size-wise looked like it might
fit the Gazelle, and still provide some kind of protection against
greasy trousers. The main problem lies in the attachment of the
chainguard.... it's made for newer bottom brackets that can hold the
chaincase in place with the BB retainer ring... the Gazelle lacks
this. So forget that idea; the Civia chainguard will otherwise make a
beautiful addition to my wife's internal-geared Stumpjumper.

So, back to plan A... modify the chaincase. I removed the sprocket
cover... simple fix, no mod required... the gazelles have been freed.
Next I shortened the chaincase, backing it off the rear wheel an inch
or two, using my Dremel cutter. The impact was minimal; I will touch
up the metal with matching green (or gold trim) paint, to make it
appear natural, but so far it looks pretty good. The end result is
that I was able to mostly preserve the original chaincase, which
really looks great on the bike, while showing off the beautiful
leaping gazelles. Plus I can get to the rear hub and remove the rear
wheel without removing screws.

Check out the photos... Still need to give it new brake levers, a 3-
speed SA shifter and a Brooks B68 saddle... should have it completed
by end of the week.

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