Not all COM port emulations are equal, sadly.
A common failing, is lack of buffer cleaning when the port is first
opened, also lack of, or bad behaviour of any handshake line emulation.
OK, so built FTDI cables are not cheap as dirt, but they (and more
importantly) the drivers work very well, and are supported in many OS's.
There are many places and ways to buy FTDI kit, not just eBlag.
The CP2102 is made by SiLabs, who generaly do good things, but I've not
tried their USB<>serial devices, so can't comment in detail. I think
Kenwood use them in the new TH-D72 handheld, if that's of any help.
The "Prolific chipset" powered devices (and drivers) are pretty good too.
And also "Prolific" in supply, many USB to mobile phone adapters use
them, and are cheaper to buy and canabalise, than just about anything
Dave G0WBX.
> ---------- 1 of 1 ----------
> From: SV1BDO <>
> Date: Jan 16 01:14PM -0800
> Url:
> Hi everybody in the group,
> Has anybody used the USB to TTL converters based on the CP2102 chip,
> instead of the FTDI cables? They are very common in the ebay, and much
> cheaper than the FTDI cables.
> HNY to all,
> 73, Sotiris SV1BDO