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Remoting my TS-480

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Felix, DF3FX

Dec 3, 2009, 6:12:59 PM12/3/09
to Amateur Radio Station Remoting
Hi everyone,

I'm all new to this remote stuff and would be happy if you could help
me getting my ideas clear and soon a working
remote setup ;-)

Please excuse my english wich I hope is "understandable" :-)

As student I live in a small apartment in the middle of a town called
Saarbrücken in Germany.
After like 2 years of saving I bought a TS-480 for its remote
capabilities. I#m specially interested in this remote Display thing.
My plan is to put the Main unit to the QTH of my parents in France
where I already have my antennas
and having the disply over here to get on air :-)

I just ordered 2 of those FTDI cables

First problem I have - which puts me very angry because I want a clean
install and not the spagetti wire things I usually usw - Quick and
dirty usually lasts longest ;-)

So I got a crimp set from a friend and some matching connectors for
the Kenwood.
But those wires from FTDI are too big to fit in. Anyone experienced
the same?
Anyone with a solution / idea how to solve that.
As I measured - cables of 1mm diam. fit perfectly inside connectors.
FTDI cables are ~1,17mm thik :-/

Anybody with some pics of his cables which he /she could mail me?
(mail address on webpage

For the rest of the station I plan using IRT software for the display
and HRD for the rest ( Logging etc)
ADSL connection with 1Mbit UP is available on both sides.
Server PC will be started by WOL from my router on server side or a
solution with a mobile phone I'm working on.

First I would be great if someone would have a solution for me for the
"too big cable problem" .

I' m happy to receive all kind of ideas :-)

More problems will surely come later ;-)

Many thanks in advance


Felix , DF3FX/F1VEO


Dec 4, 2009, 4:42:16 PM12/4/09
Hi Feli

de Rob ve6ccl

Our club has remoted and FT847 using W4MQ software and we are
working on another station using the TX2000

It has been fun

Have you found Bob Arnold N2JEU site yet
Bob has taken on the further dervelopment of Stan,s IRB software and is
also working on a

Web seminar now postponed until February 2010 at the earliest

You can registar for the group at

Rob in Calgary VE6CCL
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