Hi everyone,
I'm all new to this remote stuff and would be happy if you could help
me getting my ideas clear and soon a working
remote setup ;-)
Please excuse my english wich I hope is "understandable" :-)
As student I live in a small apartment in the middle of a town called
Saarbrücken in Germany.
After like 2 years of saving I bought a TS-480 for its remote
capabilities. I#m specially interested in this remote Display thing.
My plan is to put the Main unit to the QTH of my parents in France
where I already have my antennas
and having the disply over here to get on air :-)
I just ordered 2 of those FTDI cables
First problem I have - which puts me very angry because I want a clean
install and not the spagetti wire things I usually usw - Quick and
dirty usually lasts longest ;-)
So I got a crimp set from a friend and some matching connectors for
the Kenwood.
But those wires from FTDI are too big to fit in. Anyone experienced
the same?
Anyone with a solution / idea how to solve that.
As I measured - cables of 1mm diam. fit perfectly inside connectors.
FTDI cables are ~1,17mm thik :-/
Anybody with some pics of his cables which he /she could mail me?
(mail address on webpage
For the rest of the station I plan using IRT software for the display
and HRD for the rest ( Logging etc)
ADSL connection with 1Mbit UP is available on both sides.
Server PC will be started by WOL from my router on server side or a
solution with a mobile phone I'm working on.
First I would be great if someone would have a solution for me for the
"too big cable problem" .
I' m happy to receive all kind of ideas :-)
More problems will surely come later ;-)
Many thanks in advance
Felix , DF3FX/F1VEO