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Re: remotebase - 2 new messages in 2 topics - digest

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Terrence R. Redding Ph.D.

Sep 2, 2009, 5:19:55 AM9/2/09
to remotebase group, remotebase digest subscribers
Bob, good to see you pick up the task.

I will try to be a bit more active on the listserv and be supportive.

Terry - N4OLT

On 9/2/09 3:29 AM, "remotebase group" <> wrote:

> Date: Tues, Sep 1 2009 6:02 pm
> From: n2jeu
> Please take a few minutes to visit and give me
> some feedback on the current state of the software and several ideas
> I've posted about.
> I'll begin work on any updates and fixes to Stan W4MQ's IRB software
> and if I'm going to be able to move ahead with it I need lots of
> feedback from all of you. I can only guess what the software needs in
> the way of bug fixes and improvements right now and if I don't get any
> feedback I won't be able to properly do the job I've tried to take on.
> Thanks,
> Bob Arnold N2JEU
> New IRB software maintainer

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