ReminderFox update

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Tom Mutdosch

Feb 9, 2014, 8:34:46 AM2/9/14
Dear Reminderfox User,

Our last update 2.1.4 had a regression which made it impossible to save settings made on the ReminderFox Options dialogs. As always, we did perform intensive testing, but a late change caused the failure which we did not catch it time.  Very sorry about that.

Here is a download link to a corrected version (with some other points corrected as well).  Please give it a try.  I hope it fixes the issues you may have encountered with the last update.  Any and all feedback is very much welcomed, as always.

The other major issue that we heard about was the change of placement of the ReminderFox bow and the newly-displayed Foxy icon.  The introduction of the Foxy icon is with the knowledge in mind that Firefox will not have a bottom add-ons/status bar in future versions (and Thunderbird will follow that route).  The ribbon icon is a legacy style statusbar control which Firefox will not long support, so we are trying to graduate away from that.  The nice thing about the new toolbar-style icons is that they can natively be placed anywhere the user wants (you can do this by right-clicking on any toolbar icon and selecting Customize... and then dragging it anywhere where you want).  We have fixed the Foxy toolbar icon so its placement is now remembered properly.  If you don't want the Foxy toolbar icon displayed, simply go to Options -> Firefox tab and uncheck the "Foxy Icon" option.

However the beloved ribbon icon is not going away.  We made a mistake and removed the option to move the ribbon icon to any toolbar.  The users told us about it loudly, and we listened and changed it; the option is back and is as flexible as it was before.   Go to Options -> Firefox tab and there you'll see the Foxy Bow  - Bar Placement dropdown as it was before.

Lastly, for Version 2.1.4 we need to have changes with the documentation pages but at the moment the content and the links are not all updated to reflect the most recent changes. That's one of our next todo's.

We hope Reminderfox is and will continue to be a great help for you!
Reminderfox Team

Gene Scharmann

Feb 5, 2014, 5:30:05 PM2/5/14
to Tom Mutdosch
Thanks guys. does the trick! Going to check it out in TBird.
If I can be of any assistance (in any way) in the future, feel free to contact me.

For now.....I'll lift a glass of beer to you next time I'm at my favorite pub.
If you are ever in Bergen, NORWAY, it's my treat. (With the high prices here that's a big gift!)

Gene S., (via GM), Bergen, NORWAY
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