ReminderFox + TB58: new entries not saved --> Solved with RmFX !

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Daniel GMX

Jan 24, 2018, 11:08:20 PM1/24/18

Mozilla is going to move massively away from XUL and friends. That move has also impact to Thunderbird and Seamonkey! The TB dev team is working hard to follow those changes .. and I'm busy to follow them.
Currently a lot of those changes are fixed for RmFX already, and I hope there not coming up any new.
Most hopefully a version for release (usable for TB58 and 60) will be ready at the beginning of February, ready to ship it to Mozilla to update the addon pages for download.

Atm, with the current RmFX version please do not use TB58, 52.5.2 should do it.


Paul Swain

Jan 25, 2018, 9:10:35 AM1/25/18
Daniel GMX wrote on 25/01/2018 3:04 PM:
My Reminderfox in Thunderbird doesn't save any entries at all any more, after having worked perfectly for years. Any idea how to solve this problem?

Hi Daniel!

Could you please compare the location where ReminderFox thinks that its data is - see the ReminderFox Options as shown in this screenshot (note that I've blacked out my actual location):

with the location of your Thunderbird profile - you can find this in Thunderbird by going to Help - Troubleshooting Information, and then clicking on the about:profile link in the Application Basics section.

The location in the ReminderFox Options should be the same as the Thunderbird profile location, with \reminderfox on the end.  So if your Thunderbird profile is in C:\Thunderbird Profile, ReminderFox should show C:\Thunderbird Profile\reminderfox.

If the locations don't match as described above, that has caused the problems that you've described in the past.  Usually this happens if you've moved your Thunderbird profile from one computer to another.

Before I go further, could you please confirm that this is the situation that you're in.




Jan 25, 2018, 9:29:14 AM1/25/18
Current Version isn't compatible with TB 58/60

Daniel GMX

Jan 25, 2018, 11:58:45 AM1/25/18

Dear Paul

Thank you so much for replying so fast. I am impressed!

What you are suggesting is to check if the location off both Thunderbird and ReminderFox are the same - and they truly are. So this can't be the source of the problem. But I followed Günter's suggestion who wrote me earlier today (see below) and went back to TB 56 - and now all the entries are there again and I can add and save new entries without any trouble.

On 25.01.2018 14:42, gNeandr wrote:

Mozilla is going to move massively away from XUL and friends. That move has also impact to Thunderbird and Seamonkey! The TB dev team is working hard to follow those changes .. and I'm busy to follow them.
Currently a lot of those changes are fixed for RmFX already, and I hope there not coming up any new.
Most hopefully a version for release (usable for TB58 and 60) will be ready at the beginning of February, ready to ship it to Mozilla to update the addon pages for download.

Please do not use TB58, 56 should do it.


Shall I just leave it at that and refuse any TB updates for the time being?

With gratitude and a big smile

Paul Swain

Jan 26, 2018, 3:44:45 AM1/26/18

Hi Daniel!

No worries and thanks for the update.

You can disregard my suggestion - I didn't think to check the version of Thunderbird that you were using, though I didn't know about the problems that Günter has told us about either.

With regard to

Shall I just leave it at that and refuse any TB updates for the time being?

then based on what Günter has said, if you stay on the Thunderbird release channel and keep ReminderFox up to date, you should be fine.  Once you see that ReminderFox has updated, check back here to see if it is safe to move to the beta version.


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