Reminderfox won't accept import of .ics file after reinstalling Firefox.

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Jun 4, 2018, 2:16:41 PM6/4/18
to ReminderFox
Windows 7 home Premium, Firefox 52.8.0 esr 64bit.

I put a new hard drive on my laptop and reinstalled Firefox. I did this the way I always do which normally works fine. What I do is install Firefox then delete all files and folders in C:\Users\Laptop\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\bkbnokjh.default and then I copy all files and folders from the same directory in the old Firefox which of course brings over Reminderfox with it. Then I start the new Firefox and normally it all looks and works as before, but not this time.

To cut a long story short, if I install Firefox and immediately install Reminderfox then Reminderfox works fine and I can import the old .ics file (so it's not the Firefox version or a corrupt .ics file). But if I do it my usual way as described above then all reminders are lost and it won't accept the import of the verified good .ics file. I've turned off all other add-ons just in case but no difference.

Any idea what I could be doing wrong or what I could do to get Reminderfox working again?

Thanks for any help.


Jun 4, 2018, 2:18:06 PM6/4/18
to ReminderFox
Which RmFX version do you use?

Paul Swain

Jun 5, 2018, 3:52:45 AM6/5/18
to, ReminderFox

The problem is caused by ReminderFox having one location for its data in
its settings, and the actual location, i.e. your new Firefox profile
location, being something different.  This is because Firefox generates
a random segment for the profile location, e.g. the bkbnokjh in your
case, so the location of your new profile is different to your old profile.

I think that we have tried various ways to get around this, and none of
them worked.  So the only solution is to uninstall/reinstall ReminderFox
once you've copied your existing profile into your new profile location,
and then import the ICS file.

I can't remember how extensively you need to uninstall/reinstall
ReminderFox in your existing profile to get it all working, but if just
uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't work, you may need to do some manual


Jun 12, 2018, 5:01:06 AM6/12/18
to ReminderFox
I'm having the same problem but even more so. I uninstalled, removed the reminderfox directory, reinstalled, then tried to import the .ics file from my other computer. When I hit IMPORT the button goes all grey and nothing happens.

I thought I'd just recreate the reminders but I also can't create new ones.

Can you tell me everything that needs to be removed to start fresh?

Paul Swain

Jun 12, 2018, 12:21:34 PM6/12/18
to, ReminderFox


This is very quick response as it's very late where I am.

As uninstalling etc. hasn't worked, the only other thing that I can suggest is to

  • uninstall ReminderFox,
  • restart Thunderbird,
  • go into the Thunderbird config editor and search for, and then delete that entry.

Then reinstall ReminderFox.  Hopefully you will then be able to import your old ICS file.

Note that mucking around with the config editor can cause lots of problems, so please make sure that you have backed up your Thunderbird profile before you start, just in case there are problems.

If that works, could you please post back here so that we know how to help other people.

If you don't know how to access the config editor, please let us know and hopefully someone who is more awake than I am will be able to help you out. :-)


Jun 12, 2018, 3:22:21 PM6/12/18
to ReminderFox
Thank you Paul! Your suggestion got me in the right direction, but it wasn't entirely correct. Here is what I did:

* Uninstalled ReminderFox
* Restarted Thunderbird
* Went into Thunderbird Config Editor and searched for "" but it wasn't there.
* I read through all the entries that came up under "extensions.reminderFox" and found an item: "extensions.reminderFox.storeICS" which had an address in it. So I deleted the entire string in this entry.
* Reinstalled ReminderFox
* Restarted Thunderbird

Immediately when I opened ReminderFox it now looked like what I remembered (it previously did not show the calendar on the right side) but no reminders were there. So I used ReminderFox Options to import my old reminders and this time it imported them!

Yippee! It's all working now :D

Thank you, Paul. I hope this helps others.

Paul Swain

Jun 13, 2018, 1:57:08 AM6/13/18
to, ReminderFox
Thanks very much for letting me know Trishah!

I've already sent your solution to another user who looks like they're
having the same problem!


Jul 19, 2018, 7:03:10 PM7/19/18
to ReminderFox
Thank you Trishah!! Your solution just saved my bacon!! :)
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