Bug faisant planter windows

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Cyril Saint-blancat

Oct 21, 2016, 7:05:14 PM10/21/16
to remin...@googlegroups.com

je ne sais pas pourquoi mais dernièrement quand je clique sur mon icone reminder fox ça fait
directement planter ma session windows une fois sur trois. Inquiétant =-O ! Je serai triste de devoir le désactiver si ça continue :-

Bon weekend


Oct 21, 2016, 7:08:20 PM10/21/16
to ReminderFox, loeild...@gmail.com
Dr.Translate Google says: ________________
I do not know why but lately when I click on my icon reminder fox that 
directly pitch my windows session once in three.
Worrying = -O! I will be sad to disable it if it continues -

But sorry, not a good translation .. also not a good description what happens here ..


Oct 22, 2016, 3:30:18 PM10/22/16
to ReminderFox, Cyril Saint-blancat

Nice translation, thanks. But it doesn't answer or gives more details.

Which OS/FX/TB/SM and Reminderfox versions?
Any recent updates?

More details what you do and what happens with doing ... would help.
Best would be to get details from the debugger console .. if possible.

AND please remember to answer not to me only, but to the forum at first. That helps others to understand, can help them also or let them see what the solution is about ... for future use ..


On 22.10.2016 10:26, Cyril Saint-blancat wrote:
Oops , let's do it directly then ;-)!
Lately when I click on my reminder fox icon it often and directly crashes windows. Quite surprizing and unusual !

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