How do I change or delete the "Date Completed" field

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Mar 17, 2014, 12:19:54 PM3/17/14
Does anyone know how I can change or delete the "Date Completed" field?
So many of my Reminders & ToDo's don't get updated/finalized until a few days after the Due Date. So when I am completely finished with an entry and choose the "Completed" menu item, it shows the current date as "Completed", instead of the day that I actually DID "complete" it.

(I have spent a lot of time reading the documentation & pouring thru this Forum, but was unable to find anything related to my issue. ANY HELP will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Deb & Dakota


Mar 17, 2014, 8:17:44 PM3/17/14
CLick on the top right corner of the reminder section, on the black icony bit, and unselect `date
completed`. Is just not displaying that what you need?

Deb and Dakota

Mar 18, 2014, 1:13:28 PM3/18/14
Mic, I  double checked that menu: have always just displayed Date, Time, Description, Notes Flag, and Categories. I've gone thru my Reminders, and all my self-made To Do's and confirmed "Date Completed" isn't in any of them. So yes, not displaying it is correct, and is how I've got my fields displayed now. But no, it doesn't have any affect on the Date Completed field. Where it bothers me is when I hover over an event and see the 'incorrect', but logically correct Date Completed. On repeating, say a monthly event, those that have been marked "Completed" show the most current completion date. Those that are still outstanding show no Completion Date.

I think that this is something that I'll have to live with: since RF DOES LOGICALLY use the date that I mark an event as "Completed".

So on my wishlist to the 2 guys that wrote this terrific program, is the ability to edit/change the "Date Completed" field.

I'm gonna try and close this topic, since I don't think a resolution exists. But I sincerely thank you Mic for trying to help me - Thumbs Up!! Regards, Deb & Dakota
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