Edit/add reminder box just disappears

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Jun 16, 2015, 3:41:36 AM6/16/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com
When I try to add a reminder or edit an existing reminder, the input box comes up for a few seconds & then just disappears. I can input a couple of letters & then the box is gone. I haven't been able to complete the input for many months now. I have the latest version of ReminderFox & I'm on Win7. Also, many, probably most, of my recurring reminders don't pop up anymore. I'm just about to give up on this add-on. Any ideas?


Jun 16, 2015, 3:50:14 AM6/16/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tempe,

it's somewhat hard to get a clear picture from what you describe. If
you're using RmFX on top of Firefox (which version?), could you switch
on the console (using Shift Cntrl J). Make sure all loggings are on
(Net, CSS, JS, etc), clear the list and do some RmFX operations. On the
console "Text" copy all Reminderfox relevant entries and append those to
a reply mail (pl. use "Reply to List").



Jun 20, 2015, 5:40:17 AM6/20/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
I have this problem too. I open the 'Add Reminder' box but typing just one character in 'Description' causes the box to close. A reminder is still created, albeit with just a one character name! My workaround is to use Notepad to type the reminder name and copy/paste to the 'Description' box. However, I would really like to see this problem cured.


Jun 20, 2015, 5:49:48 AM6/20/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
Sorry, never had seen such a problem.

Suppose you're running RmFX on top of Firefox. Please open the Browser
Console using Shift Cntrl J, make sure all trace options are set with
the buttons.
Open the RmFX Main List. Go back to the Browser Console, [Clear] all
Then try to use RmFX [Add] a reminder .. hope it writes some RmFX
relvant messages on the console. Mark them and paste them to a Reply mail.
(If there are no messages we have to set some logging parameter, for
that please call back!)

Thanks for your cooperation.



Jun 20, 2015, 8:11:03 AM6/20/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com, gne...@web.de
Hi Guenter. I think I've done what you asked. I managed to type two characters before RmFox saved the new reminder I was trying to create. After doing so, the Console read:

reflow: 0.12ms function fillInPageTooltip, popup.xml line 618

This problem seems to have appeared overnight, RmFox was fine up to this point. Yes, I have Firefox and it's on Windows 7.

I hope you find the cause and cure – good luck!


Jun 20, 2015, 11:29:27 AM6/20/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, pook...@googlemail.com, gne...@web.de, lml...@gmail.com, pook...@googlemail.com
Sorry, the log you posted ..

Am Samstag, 20. Juni 2015 14:11:03 UTC+2 schrieb pooksahib:

reflow: 0.12ms function fillInPageTooltip, popup.xml line 618
.. has nothing to do with Reminderfox!

You need to enable two RmFX logging methodes. Please open a page into the box where you normally write an internet address, enter
> about:config

1. And into the box "Search:" enter
> extensions.reminderFox.debug.loglevel
Using the context menu on that item open the "Modify" and change the value to  4.

2. To "Search:" enter
> extensions.reminderFox.loggers;
If you don't get a value for it, you need to define it. On the context menu on the table select "New" --> String
Enter the Preference Name: extensions.reminderFox.loggers
and the String Value:
> {"Reminderfox":"Debug","checkData":"Warn"}

Repeating the steps I described with the previous answer to Add a new reminder.



Jun 20, 2015, 11:32:10 AM6/20/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, gne...@googlemail.com, pook...@googlemail.com, lml...@gmail.com
Please don't enter the leading '> '  characters shown above ;)


Jun 20, 2015, 4:00:48 PM6/20/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, pook...@googlemail.com, lml...@gmail.com
Hi. Yes, I had to define '...loggers'. After clearing the console, I created and deleted a couple of reminders. In the console was:
reminderFox: getAllSelectedTodos outside range: 0 > nodes: 0Reminders

Doesn't look like much to me but I hope it helps.


Jun 20, 2015, 5:44:13 PM6/20/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
It seems the log is written because of an unclear situation with "Todos"
I guess.

1. Do you have a RmFX User List with no entries in it? If you could
you remove the list.
On the RmFX Options --> Lists and [Remove] that list in question.

2. With the [Add] on the Main List, do you have set for a default to
add a Todo?
On Options --> Main Dialog what is your setting for "Initial Selected
List" (Reminders, Todo's, Previous Tab)?

Note: Are there any other RmFX log statements when you try to [Add] a
"reminder" or a "Todo"?



Jun 20, 2015, 6:09:42 PM6/20/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
One additional point:

Do you have a "Todo's" / User List which is named "Reminders"?
To check this, please open RmFX Options --> Lists.
If you have an entry named "Reminders" you should [Remove] that ... but
be careful NOT to remove if you have entries on that list. If so, please
open the Main Dialog, select that user list and move them to another
list (see context menu on the item(s)) or just delete them.



Jun 21, 2015, 12:16:47 AM6/21/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com, gne...@web.de
Hi Guenter. I have no Lists at all. I only use RmFx to create Reminders. The default for Add Event is Reminders. Initial Selected List is Reminders. This time, after clearing Console and creating a (one character) reminder, there is much more in Console. Hope this helps:

reminderFox: TimeStamp Changed: Sun Jun 21 2015 05:02:47 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) - false --lastRecorded:1434859282908--currentTimeStamp:1434859282908-
reminderFox: Tooltip initialized: Sun Jun 21 2015 05:02:47 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)
reflow: 0.12ms
reflow: 0.11ms
reflow: 0.1ms
reflow: 0.22ms
reminderFox: TimeStamp Changed: Sun Jun 21 2015 05:02:49 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) - false --lastRecorded:1434859282908--currentTimeStamp:1434859282908-
reflow: 0.11ms
reflow: 0.1ms
reflow: 0.08ms
Reminderfox Logger : DEBUG [checkData : WARN] 2015-06-21 05:03:09
chrome://reminderfox/content/reminderFoxCore.js # 3418
1: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addReminderDialog.js # 3534] rmFx_mainDialogSaveAndClose
2: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addreminder-dialog.xul # 1] oncommand
3: [null # 0] null
Reminderfox Logger : DEBUG [checkData : WARN] 2015-06-21 05:03:09
---- .core.constructReminderOutput ..writes to file: Events=16 Todos=0
chrome://reminderfox/content/reminderFoxCore.js # 3271
1: [chrome://reminderfox/content/reminderFoxCore.js # 3422] reminderfox.core.writeOutRemindersAndTodos
2: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addReminderDialog.js # 3534] rmFx_mainDialogSaveAndClose
3: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addreminder-dialog.xul # 1] oncommand
4: [null # 0] null
reminderFox: Store time stamp: Sun Jun 21 2015 05:03:09 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) -- 1434859389846
reminderFox: Updating reminders in window: Sun Jun 21 2015 05:03:09 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time)
Reminderfox Logger : DEBUG [checkData : WARN] 2015-06-21 05:03:09
chrome://reminderfox/content/reminderFoxCore.js # 2690
1: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addReminderDialog.js # 3546] rmFx_mainDialogSaveAndClose
2: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addreminder-dialog.xul # 1] oncommand
3: [null # 0] null
reflow: 0.07ms
reflow: 0.11ms
reminderFox: TimeStamp Changed: Sun Jun 21 2015 05:03:11 GMT+0100 (GMT Standard Time) - false --lastRecorded:1434859389846--currentTimeStamp:1434859389846-
Reminderfox Logger : DEBUG [checkData : WARN] 2015-06-21 05:03:11
chrome://reminderfox/content/reminderFoxCore.js # 2690
1: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addReminderDialog.js # 3584] rmFx_mainDialogSaveAndClose
2: [chrome://reminderfox/content/addreminder-dialog.xul # 1] onunload
3: [null # 0] null
reflow: 0.12ms function fillInPageTooltip, popup.xml line 618
reflow: 0.11ms


Jun 21, 2015, 3:49:01 AM6/21/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
Sorry, I don't have any idea what's going wrong :-P

Which RmFX version do you use? Open the the RmFX "About Reminderfox" dialog. That copies an installation string to the clipboard. So directly do a "Paste" to a reply mail. It should give a string like this:
ReminderFox  []   wip    <'20150610_1203'>
  Profile directory: /media/guenter/DATA/_Mozilla/FX_gW/Profiles/2012_12
  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0 (en-US)

Also have you tried to start over with an empty stack of reminders. For that open RmFX Options --> General tab. There just rename the file you use:

Untic the "Use Default Location", remember your current string and edit the file name, eg. ".../reminderfox.TEST.ics".

Try again [Add]  etc ....



Jun 21, 2015, 5:09:28 AM6/21/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, gne...@web.de, lml...@gmail.com
Hello again Guenter. I decided to completely remove RmFx which I did by clicking 'Remove' on the AddOns bar AND deleting the reminderfox profiles file on the C drive. I then reinstalled (which means I have the latest version) but the problem remains – a new entry is saved as soon as you begin to type.

However, I have discovered something. If you hold down the CapsLock key you can type normally with your other hand and RmFx then works as it should. Perhaps this will give you a clue as to what the problem is...

Thank you for all your time.


Jun 21, 2015, 8:22:29 AM6/21/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
Hi there,

a very curios situation .. and sorry all that doesn't makes sense. I
feel we're faced with a problem not based on RmFX but maybe a problem
with the Firefox profile ... just a guess .. ??

To check that situation, please define a new Firefox profile and make a
new install of Reminderfox on that. If you find you can work normal with
it, you could import the "previous" reminders. See RmFX --> Options -->
General tab. Use the Import facility, you need to know the ICS file
location of your previous installation.

Assuming the new FX profile and RmFX is doing well you should re-install
all other add-ons, bookmarks etc. But don't use the old profile, I
expect with that situation there is something corrupt with it. And
spending time to repair a FX profile is not a good idea, very time
consuming with little chance to get it done for good.

Hope it helps



Jun 21, 2015, 8:45:11 AM6/21/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, gne...@web.de, lml...@gmail.com
Hi. New profile created and RmFx installed on it. Unfortunately, I still can't type a new entry without having to hold down the CapsLock key. Damn...

Never mind, at least we tried. Windows 10 is due soon so perhaps when I upgrade it will clear the problem (whatever it is).

All the best, Guenter.


Jun 21, 2015, 9:16:53 AM6/21/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com
could you please post the install string as mentioned before.



Jun 21, 2015, 11:15:20 AM6/21/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, gne...@web.de, lml...@gmail.com
Here it is:
ReminderFox [] release <'20150106_0904'>
Profile directory: C:\Users\BAD\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\83nzppz1.default
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 (en-US)


Jun 21, 2015, 3:40:07 PM6/21/15
to pook...@googlemail.com, remin...@googlegroups.com, gne...@web.de
For awhile last night, it was working fine for me.  Then it went back to its disappearing act.

I tried the CapsLock thing this morning - it didn't work for me.

I'm not sure I understand some of the other stuff you've been doing with the browser console, but I'll give it another look & try sending the info soon.  I get a lot of stuff highlighted in pink that says "not well formed"....



Jun 23, 2015, 9:27:25 AM6/23/15
to remin...@googlegroups.com, lml...@gmail.com, gne...@web.de
I take it you're holding the CapsLock key down as opposed to just 'activating' CapsLock? Perhaps you could try experimenting with some other keys in the same way...
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